Tour Around Ooo

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Sooooooo Sorry I haven't updated!!•~• My fault. Annnyywaays on to the story!



"Soo... Do you wanna leave now?" Finn asks.
"Sure! Marcy do you wanna come??" I say. "Nah.. You guys Can go."Marciline says as she floats upstairs. "Ok lets go to the Candy Kingdom!" Finn says as he quickly grabs my hand and runs out the door. We suddenly jumped off a cliff hand-in-hand. I screamed bloody murder as we fell down deeper and deeper down the cliff. Then Jake caught us before we hit the bottom. I was behind Finn when Jake started running. I quickly wrapped my hands around Finn before blushing madly.


I felt (Y/n) wrap her arms around my torso. I internally screamed when I felt (Y/n)'s breast tightly press against my back. I blush like crazy and try to hide my bright red face. Before I knew it we were already at the Candy Kingdom.  I get off Jake and help (Y/n) down.
"Yo Finn I'm Pretty sure (Y/n) doesn't need help walking too, come on PB will probably be excited to see another human in Ooo." Jake says as he starts walking to PB's Laboratory. I blush again in embarrassment. "Anyway this is the Candy Kingdom! Everything is edible. The houses, the people, everything! We're going to go meet Princess Bubblegum." I say as I look at (Y/n) up and down all of her curves. I wonder if shes a Good kisser?.... What the heck Finn! What am I even thinking about!
"Finn are you ok?" (Y/n) says as she pokes my cheek.
"Y-yeah t-totally fine! Heh." I say nervously.
We walk into PB's lab and see PB staring Two bottles one with a blue liquid inside of it and one with a pink liquid.
"Uuuggghhhh!!!! This is never gonna work! How the blee blop am I gonna repopulate humans!" PB say frustrated and flips a table.
"Princess, Finn and Jake have co-" "Maka-chop!" Peppermint butler try's to tell PB. (A/N. so who likes soul eater here?? Sorry I'll go...)
"Hey Peebles." I say. Then PB's eyes light up. "Oh my gobb! Are you a human?! Who are you?!" PB questions. "Yes Princess." (Y/n) says sheepishly. "She's so cute!" I think.
"YES! I can finally repopulate humans!!" PB yells.
"WHAT! nononooononoonono! We cant do that!" I say waving my hands. I say blushing like crazy. I look at (Y/n) and shes blushing too trying to hide her face.
"No All I need is some DNA from you too and that's All!" Peebles says.
"Thank gosh!" I say relieved. Even though I would want to marry (Y/n) and do it with her one day..... uuuggghhhh!! What am I thinking! I just met this girl! We all decided to go on adventure, we went to this weird dungeon, it was pink and black with blue and white flowers covering it.
"Woaaahhh!! This dungeon is so pretty!" (Y/n) exclaims.
I go over to Jake and whisper in his ear. "I made a-a... thing for (Y/n) just please don't do anything weird." I say slightly blushing.
"Heh okay buddy heh." Jake says.
"Jaake!" I say warning him. Before I could say anything else (Y/n) yelled "Come onnnnnn!! Let's go nowwww!!"
I pinch (Y/n) cheek and get my sword out pretending to act serious.


~This time skip is brought to you by Princess Bubblegum "Onward with the story, I want to see what happens to (Y/n) and Finn!!"~


As we go farther down the dungeon on Jake's back I start to slip off jake. As I'm about to fall and face plant, Finn grabs me by the waist but I still cut my cheek on a sharp rock.
"Oh my gosh (Y/n) are you alright?! Finn says looking at my bleeding cheek.
"I'm fine." I say looking down to cover the pink flush over my cheeks.
He then lifts up my chin with his finger and takes out and handkerchief and wipes away the blood and gets out a baby Finn band aid.
"Cute band aid." I say before he places it on my cheek.
Then he just looks straight in to my eyes while blushing and gives a kiss on my cheek where the band aid was placed.
"Finnnnnnn s-stop!" I studder while blushing even harder.
"Come on you look adorable when you blush!!!" Finn says adorably.
We finally get to the bottom of the dungeon and I see beautiful baby blue flowers hanging on vines and candles and a lit brick fireplace and a fluffy white fur blanket right in front of the fireplace and a big banner saying welcome to Ooo.
Jake then drops us and runs up the dungeon stairs before leaving us there Together. Alone. "What is this Finn??" i say in awe. "Umm... It's a little something i made for you to welcome you to Ooo." Finn says studdering.
We both make our way to the fluffy white fur blanket.
"Hey (Y/n), I-I have something to tell you. I know you've only been in Ooo for a few days and a-a but in those few days I have grown to like you everyday since. (Y/n) I like you, like, I-I like like you. You're absolutely gorgeous and adorable! Um... I understand if you don't feel the same way."


What do you think is gonna happen? Do you think (Y/n) will say yes? Stay tuned!! Once again I'm sorry for not updating! I know bad Author-Chan! School is starting soon so I'll try and update until then. Thank you so much for voting! It means alot to me! Yeah! that's all! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

~Amber<3 •~•

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