Chapter 1:From the Window

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Pepe's P.O.V:

I sat there. Looking in between the crack of my curtain into the streets. I do this everyday at 4:30. Why? To see my love Kermit of course! I go down to his recording studio every weekday. I sat there in my dark house, caressing my Kermit Body Pillow.

"If only you much I love you....."

I laid on my Kermit themed bed with Kermit sheets, pillows, and covers. I looked up at my ceiling covered with Kermit memes. This is generally why my house is dark, and why I blocked out all the windows, so nobody could look in. I hugged my body pillow closer.

"You're just so, handsome!" I kissed Kermit's "lips."

I looked into his eyes.

"Shoot!" I said, jumping out of my bed. "I have to still watch my Sempai!" I flew to my window and watched Kermit until he was out of sight.

"Someday Kermit, you will be mine." I whispered to my body pillow's "ear"

I started cooking breakfast for Kermit, the body pillow, and I.

"Honey! I'm making bacon and eggs for breakfast!" I squealed from my stove. I pretended to be Kermit and moved my body pillow to the table.

"It smells amazing Pepe!" "Kermit" said

"I made it just for you, I know it's your favorite!" I said as I poured him some Lipton Tea. I Imagined Kermit blowing me a kiss. I put my hand over my mouth while I giggled a little. I could feel myself blush a deep, dark, red. "He's so romantic!" I thought to myself, staring at Kermit while eating.

When we were done I washed to dishes.

"Don't worry Kermit, today is your day to relax, I'll wash the dishes!"

"Are you sure? I can do it Pepe." I made his voice sound smooth and sweet.

"Of course! I'd do anything for my honey bun!" I cringed a little at the nick name part. "I'm going to get a shower. Remember, just relax today." I sat my body pillow down on the couch and turned the T.V on. I hugged it and then headed to the shower.

I got dressed after coming straight from the shower. I opened the refrigerator door to make Kermit and I a healthy snack, when I saw it was a little bare. "Kermit, I'm Going to go shopping for groceries call me if you need me!" I waved goodbye and pretended that he told me he loved me.

I was getting stares from other people. it was very rare for me to leave my house, my roommate gets what we need the majority of the time.

Oh! Yeah! I almost forgot to talk about Doge. Doge is the best roommate ever! He doesn't judge me, he's very supportive, and he mostly just sits around all day. Although Doge has all these pros, there are a few cons, but there isn't one, not two, but three. THREE.

First of all, he's always making  dramatic entrances. He always ends up breaking something, then I have to pay for it. Second of all, he has no grammar! His grammar irks me so much! Last, but not least HE SHIPS ME AND KERMIT TOGETHER!!! Now, I know what you're thinking "Pepe, don't you want Doge to ship you two together?" Yes, I do like people shipping us together, but, well, DOGE JUST TAKES TO ANOTHER LEVEL!!!! One time he ran over to Kermit's house pretending to be "drunk" so Kermit could return him. Like, WHY!?

Anyways, went into Mememart, and it was awesome! I should leave my house more often! As I was looking for the things on Doge's list that he usually brings with him here I saw it. Whipped. Cream. The most beautiful, perfect, and loving thing in the world! (After Kermit, of course) As I gazed at the section of Whipped Cream, I saw something......Kermit!

MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! CLIFF HANGER!! I know this is very short, but it's the first chapter sooooo cut meh some slack. Now I'm going to hand it over to E where she does Kermit's P.O.V!!!

Love ~ B

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