Chapter One

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Madison's POV

I was walking around Alfea, with the Winx. "So. The Trix haven't attacked us in a while, what do you think they are plotting?" Flora said. "Well... I dont honestly know, do you think that they gave up because we always win?" I reply. "Winx, Ms. Faragonda would like to speak with you." Ms. Gisellda said. We walk to her office. "Winx, I have sent one of the students from Red Fountain to a place called Sunny Bay. It is in Earth, and he hasn't returned. He has been gone for weeks. And, I walked in and saw the Trix attacking there. You must go there, and stop the Trix, and bring back the student." She said. We nodded. She created the portal and we jumped in.

We end up in a town with tons of people walking around. I spot a smoothie bar. "Should we go there?" Stella asked and pointed to the smoothie bar. "Yeah." We all said. We walk in. The bell rang. Tecna jumped back, with her hands in a fighting postion. "Relax it's just a bell." I said. Stella chuckled. She put her hands down and walked in. The t.v. had on a concert. "Who are those teenage girls on the screen?" Tecna asked the man at the counter. "That's Lolirock. It's a famous band." He replies. Tecna nods her head, collecting data into her head. We ordered smoothies and sat down. Tecna looked up at the screen. "How did they do that!" She says. "A preformer never shares their secrets," A girl said. We look her way. "I'm Iris, this is Talia, and this is Auriana. And we are Lolirock." Iris says, pointed to Talia, and then Auriana. "I'm Madison. This is Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha" I said, pointing at each of them. She smiles and waves. Then, She sits. "I've got to bolt. Something important." She said. I heard Darcy cast a spell. "Guys. The Trix." I whispered. "Go home everyone! For your safety!" Bloom shouts. They all left. We went to a back room. "Magic Winx, Enchantix!" We shout. "Madison, fairy of the Dragon Flame!" I say. My wings appear. "Bloom, fairy of the Dragon Flame!" She shouts and her wings appear. "Stella, fairy of the Shining Sun!" She shouts, her wings appear. "Musa, fairy of Music!" She shouts and wings appear. "Tecna, Fairy of Technology! " She shouts and her wings appear. "Flora, Fairy of Nature!" She shouts, her wings appear. "Aisha, Fairy of Waves!" She shouts and her wings appear.(here is how they look Lolirockers)

We flew out. "Great! The Winx!" Icy shouts. I saw 3 girls. "Magic Rainbow!" Stella shouts. She blasts sunlight at Stormy. "Dragon Blade!" Me and Bloom shout. We blast fire at Icy. "Ice Sheild!" She shouts, creating a ice shelid. "Lots of numbers!" Tecna shouts, numbers and a green light came from her hands, taking out Darcy. "Sound Waves!" Musa shouts, aiming for Stormy. "Ice Crystals!" Icy shouts. "Fire Sheild!" I shout. A fire shelid surrounded me and my friends. And the 3 girls. They finally notice us and stare. "What have you done to that specialist?" I shout. "He is, well, hidden." Icy said. "Icy Blast!" Icy shouts. It knocks the faires out, I flew up before it hit me. "Great Dragon!" I shout. A dragon emerged from me. The 3 girls watched. "Evil Dragon!" Icy said." A dragon emerged from her to. Our two dragons fought against each other. I won and she fell to the ground. "Sisters, let's leave." Icy said. They teleported away. I flew down and de-transformed back. I carry the girls home.

The girls woke up. "Girls! You are okay!" I shout. I engulfed them into a big hug.

Talia's POV

I wanted to know who those Winx Girls were. . "Who do you think they are? They appeared out of no where." Auriana said. "I am not sure. I have gotta dig in deeper..." I step on a pedestal. "Winx!" I shout. A book flies into my hand. "Winx, a club that consists of 7 fairies. It was formed in 2004 when the 7 fairies first met at Alfea. Each fairy has different powers, except for the leaders, Madison and Bloom, they hold the same power, the Dragon's Flame." I read aloud. Dragon Flame!" I say. Another book appears. "The Dragon's Flame is considered to be the spark of the Great Dragon, which created the entire Magic Dimension. The Dragon's Flame has been passed down through generations of members of the royal family of Domino since the disappearance of the Great Dragon, and was used by the Nine Nymphs of Magix, nine all-powerful fairies who controlled the Fate of the Magic Dimension, the last and most powerful Nymph being Daphne, and now the present Guardians being Bloom and Madison," I read. "The Dragon's Flame can heal the wounded, the dying and those who have been put under evil spells. Only a possessor of the Power of the Dragon's Flame can activate the Water Stars; this can be extremely dangerous. It can pick up on others emotions and intentions. It can look at peoples aura." We were all shocked. "Let's hope this is true. Mephisto and Praxina haven't attacked us in a while. Maybe these 3 girls are the reson. They call themselves the Trix. So..." Iris says. "Maybe they are teaming up with Mephisto and Praxina. Maybe they work for Gramorr!" I finshed.

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