•pawn shop blues•

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"Tony, it's been more than ten years since you guys broke up. It's unhealthy that you're still so... obsessed with her. Be happy for her. She's found someone that it's worked out with."
"You don't understand, Bruce. I can't. She was the one for me. She understood me, she cared about me, she loved me... And I-I..."
Bruce chuckled, "Let me guess. You messed it all up. Look, Tony, a bit of advice. Go to the wedding. See her one last time. Get it all out. And then move on. It's for the best."
Tony sat in the corner of the room, in his designated seat with the distant cousins and unimportant friends.
There was a slow song on, something Tony didn't recognise. But he recognised her, dancing with another man. She looked beautiful, he thought. Just as much as the day he had left. Left and never come back.
Oh, how he wished he had.
Y/N rested her head against her new husband's chest, swaying slowly with him.
Tony felt a small tear slip down his cheek, and quickly moved to wipe it away. He wouldn't do this, he couldn't. Not now, not here... Not ever.
"She's marrying the guy of her dreams," Tony remembered Pepper telling him.
"But she's the girl of mine," he whispered.
It had been ten years since Tony stepped back from the leading position at Stark Industries. He hadn't had any children, so he ending up letting Peter Parker, a trusted fellow superhero, take over.
Tony was going through his usual daily routine. Sit in the park with a bottle of whiskey, drink all of it.
He took a large sip, gulping it down. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something.
It was her and her husband, Tony didn't want to remember the name of his replacement.
Y/N must be at least eighty now, Tony thought. How does she still look so young and beautiful?
Y/N turned and happened to catch a glance of Tony, her face immediately lightening up.
"Tony," she smiled, walking over to him, her husband trailing closely behind.
"How are you?" she asked.
"I'm dying," Tony blurted, without even really thinking.
"Oh god! What's wrong?" Y/N immediately sat down next to him, worry crossing her features.
Tony silently choked, missing the feeling of being cared for and worried about. Especially by her.
"Kidney failure. Too much drink..."
"Oh, Tony," she sighed. "Is there anything I can do?"
Yes, he wanted to say. You can come and spend what little time I have left with me. You can love me again. We can have our happy ending. I'll love you until the end of time.
"No, no. It's alright, really."
"Okay, well, it was nice seeing you again. Maybe give me a call sometime. I'm sure you can find my phone number somewhere, you genius."
Tony returned Y/N's smile, though his was full of much more pain.
"Seeya around, Tony."
"Goodbye, Y/N".
"He never told her," Natasha sniffled.
"Never told who what?" Bruce asked, brushing a red lock from his wife's tear stained face.
"Tony never told Y/N that he still loved her. That he was sorry. That he was never close with anyone again. He would have liked to know she came to the funeral. That she cried more than any of us. She didn't even bring that husband of hers."

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