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The first time Juby fell in love was also the first time her heart broke.


"Hello everyone! I'm going to be your new teacher for the rest of the year. I do have a last name, but it's super Asian and none of you will probably be able to pronounce it, so you can just call me Rachie!" Kura lifted his head from the desk, sleepily, to look at his friend. Juby wasn't actually sleeping for once. She looked towards the front of the class, seemingly incredibly interested in what the teacher had to say.

Kura looked at their teacher. She was about the same height as him, maybe a little shorter, and she appeared to be Asian, maybe Filipino? He hadn't been listening. She was very cute, and if he wasn't a flaming homosexual, he probably would have fallen for her. He took another look at Juby, and realized he had mistaken her look of complete infatuation for one of interest. He groaned.

She was head over heels for their English teacher.

short chapter but hey i'm just trying something out here because I noticed people don't really write unholy quartet fanfics on wattpad. this is based off a vocaloid song by oliver called desync which i really love and yeah, it just made me think of these two so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

anthong is in the next chapter dw my son will be here soon.

Desync × Rachiephonic + ChithongWhere stories live. Discover now