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Kura rested his head on the table, tuning out the sound of Rachie talking and the scribbling sounds of Juby's pen as she frantically wrote down something that was either notes or song lyrics (probably the latter, knowing her).

He was dangerously close to passing out on his desk from boredom when the door slammed open and a dark haired man stood in the doorway, panting.
Once he regained his composure, he spoke, "Sorry I'm late, sis." He strolled into the class, ignoring the glares of his sister and plopped into the seat beside Kura.

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Anthony. Rachie's younger brother." He smiled at Kura, winking and holding out his hand. Kura stared at the boy next to him. He had bright blue eyes, complimented by the dark, curly hair on his head. He was really goddamn beautiful, and Kura was speechless for a second until he realized Anthony was still holding out his hand for him to shake.

He took Anthony's hand, slowly, not quite believing this angel of a man had decided to talk to him, and shook it.
His skin was really soft, and his nails were absolutely fabulous. God, he was just so perfect it made Kura actually want to die.

From the front of the classroom, they heard someone clear their throat, snapping Kura out of his gay thoughts.

"Are you done, boys?" Rachie glared at them, and Anthony just laughed whilst Kura mumbled out a small apology.
"Well, nice to meet you, Kura. Wanna get lunch with me later?" Anthony whispered, ignoring Rachie again.
"Y-Yeah, sure..." Kura mentally kicked himself. He wasn't meant to sound that unenthusiastic.
"I-I mean, yeah!" Shit, too enthusiastic.
"Uh... I mean, I don't really mind?" Anthony laughed.
"It's okay dude, I get it. Text me, okay?" He slipped a piece of paper to Kura, who nodded, yelling inside of his head.

Shit, he might have just been falling for Anthony...

okay well this wasn't meant to happen but i love writing about these two. this is still mainly rachiephonic but i wanted to put chithong in it because i love them a lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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