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"You and me, date, tonight," I say, leaning against the locker near September's, watching her bite her lip out of habit and rummage through the mess of papers and books.

"Oh really? What makes you think I would do such a thing, Odalis?" she raises an eyebrow, turning to me. 

"Because I'm ruggedly handsome and you know you can't resist," I shrug, a sly smile playing on my lips. She laughs, shaking her head.

"Yeah, over my dead body, but fine. Just so you'll stop bugging me, what time?"

"I'll be at yours at six o'clock. Question, do you like mix tapes?"

"Course, I make them all the time," she slams the locker closed and walks to the school's doors, planning on ditching the last few hours of class. 

"Bring a few, we'll need them," I say to the back of her violet-haired head. Heading to my truck, I yell to her, "See you at six!" With a glare, she sticks a cigarette between her teeth and starts walking home. I quickly start the beat up Ford and pull out of the parking lot, honking the horn as I pass her and get the middle finger. I chuckle and honk again before speeding away. 

☠ ☢ ☠ ☢

"You're late," she mumbles as she slides in the passenger seat. 

"By five minutes," I roll my eyes, pulling away from the curb and driving downtown. By now, it was already getting dark and all the buildings were lighting up. "You look good," I say, not hiding the fact I was checking her out. She was wearing black tights under high-waisted shorts, a striped shirt tucked in and a black leather jacket over it all, combat boots on her feet and a dark green beanie adorning her head. 

Shrugging, she stared out the window for awhile before turning to me, "Where are we going?" 

"Places," I smile, winking at her and getting out of the city, finding my way to the back, gravel roads. I dig around in the center counsel before pulling a tape out and pushing it into the stereo. I turn the volume up to a high setting when I hear music playing and relax back in the seat as the sound of Three Days Grace's Let's Start A Riot fills the car. Out of the corner of my eye I catch September grinning, pulling her legs up to sit cross-legged. 

"I can already tell this is going to be horrible," she jokes, smiling subtly at me. I shake my head, lighting a cigarette and driving down the pot-holed path. 

"There's some cheap liquor in the backseat," I yell over the music and she nods, getting on her knees and reaching for the brown paper bag filled with the alcohol. Sitting back down, she pulls the bottles out, examining them. Taking the top off one, she sniffs it and cringes, but takes two quick swigs. 

"This is fucking horrible," she grimaces, taking another drink. I motion for her to hand it to me and she does, gladly. Taking a few gulps, I hand it back to her. 

"You're right, it is, but it's the best we've got."

She shrugs and grins goofily, "Good enough for me."

☠ ☢ ☠ ☢

A few empty bottles of liquor and packs of cigarettes later, September and I find ourselves on a cliff that is far from the city, but you can still see the lights towering in the sky. The truck is backed up so our legs dangle off the tailgate as we continue drinking, music still loudly playing from inside the cab, watching the water move with the wind that separates us from civilization. Our conversation was consisting of favourites and questions.

"Favourite moment as a child?" I ask her, glancing over. An unlit fag dangles from her lips and she furrows her eyebrows. 

"Probably when I was about six. My dad and mum took me to the zoo and we went and saw every single animal. My favourite was always the giraffe, especially the baby ones," September says after a minute of lighting the cancer stick and taking a few drags off it, blowing it out of the side of her mouth. 

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