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James kissed my cheek before he left. I said a brief goodbye to him. "I love you," James said. "Me, too." I gave him a blow kiss. He hugged three years old Olivia and picked up one-year-old Lucas and kissed his forehead. And then James patted my tummy. I am excepting a twin. I am going to call them Katherina and Katherine. More girls. James was hoping for boys, but it is girls. I went to the doctor and they confirmed it. 

James left. That leaves me time to play with the children. I smiled at them and asked, "Olivia sweetie, do you want to play the Sorry game?" I knew Olivia loved to play the Sorry game. It is a board game. Olivia's eyes widened and yelled, "Yes! You and Lu play with and me, alone." She is still learning to say her brother's full name. 

I nodded and smiled. Olivia went into her bedroom and grabbed the game. I sat down on the floor in Olivia's bedroom with crossed legs and sat Lucas on my legs. Olivia and I played for an hour and a half as always. Olivia was so focused on the game, she wants to win. I let her win the game on purpose. She won. 

After the game, I settled Lucas down to sleep. he was crying throughout the game. After settling Lucas, I went to the kitchen to fix Olivia a lunch. I made PBJ sandwich which she hates it, but I try to encourage her to eat it. It will be easier. "Olivia! Your lunch is ready!" I yelled when I settle the plate down on the table. No reply. "Olivia?" I yelled again.

I heard a scream. 

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