Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I walked into school. This time no one was staring. Just how I like it.

I got my things out of my locker and headed to first. I hope this is going to be a normal day.

(__)__(__) Halfway Through First Period (__)__(__)

"Luke they need you in the office. Bring you things as well." The teacher stated.

I nodded. I gathered my things and went to my locker to put away a few things before going to the office. After I finished with that I slowly walked to the office scared of who or what awaited my presence. As I walked I got more and more nervous. Like always a million questions were rushing through my mind a mile a minuet.

Finally I walked into the office and Noah was sitting on one of the couches. I calmed down a bit as I walked over and sat next to him. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek when I sat down.

"Wonder why we were called down here." Noah whispered.

"You and me both." I agreed.

Then we both went silent. Finally someone cleared their throat making us look up. There stood a cop. I meantally groaned as he looked down at us.

"I'm here to take your statements about what happened to you two." He explained.

We nodded. This is going to be a while I assume.

(__)__(__) After The Statements (__)__(__)

It was third period by the time we were finished. We got our passes and went our separate ways.

When I walked into class I kept my head down and took my seat. A light blush appeared on my cheeks as a few pairs of eyes remained on me.

But after a while hey focused on their classwork again.

(__)__(__) Lunch (__)__(__)

I quickly grabbed my lunch from my locker before walking to the cafeteria. Halfway there I got pinned to a wall. When I looked up it was Noah. He started kissing my neck. I tried pushing him off but he was to strong.

"N-Noah. W-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered.

"Lets go home."He whispered.

He topped it off with sucking and nibbling on my ear lobe. Finally I got him off of me. It was a second to late because his eyes were filled with lust, need, and desire. I sighed knowing it was pointless to argue with him. He always get what he wants. Typical dominate guy. Except this is a guy who would hook up with a girl whenever and wherever he wanted. That even meant in the middle of the hallway if he please. I just hope this isn't one of those times. I have to get him normal again before Ella come searching. She comes searching she will be pissed.

"Noah. Not right now." I said as calmly as I could.

"Please Luke!!" He begged.

He never begs.. Someone gave him something! No one messes with him and gets away with it!!!

I texted Ella to meet me in the hallway and a few minuets later she walked up. She stood there for a moment to catch her breath. Finally she looked at him.

"What the hell do you need me for?" She asked.

"He's acting weird. More lustful than usual." I answered.

Just as I finished my sentence Noah can over and went back to kissing my neck. Ella laughed. Almost like she thought I was stupid, blind, clueless, or a mixture of all three.

"Take him home. Give him a round." She smiled.

I nodded knowing she would say that. I grabbed his hand and tugged him out of he school. After he was in his own car I drove off to the house.

(__)__(__) After A Few Hours (__)__(__)

Noah rolled off of me and onto the bed. Both of us breathing heavily. It's been a while so no wonder he was so lustful. I rested my head on his bare chest placing a soft kiss there. Finally our breathing was back to normal. He wrapped his arms around me. No one saying a word. Just silence. Finally he spoke.

"Sorry I almost raped you in the hallway." He laughed.

"I was about to let you do it." I winked at him.

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"I wonder what lies in store in our future." I sighed.

"Marrige. Kids. Happily ever after." Noah smiled.

"Married to who though?"I asked.

"Each other." He sighed dreamily.

I smiled. Noah loves me. He really and truly does.

"What makes you so sure we'll be getting married?" I asked pulling on my boxers and jeans.

"Becuase we love each other." Noah smiled bigger.

He hit the nail on the head. I've known he's the one since the first day I laid my eyes on him. Noah and I are made for each other. No one will break us apart. We're one. Soul mates. Lovers. However you want to put it no one is breaking us apart. Together we'll survive this terrible judgmental world. Not everyone wil get broken because of ass holes who think it's wrong. I'm determined to keep Noah and I's relationship alive.

Noah walked off to take a shower like always. I got dressed before grabbing a monster from the fridge. When I heard the shower shut off I made my way back to my room so I could hang out with Noah some more. I like chilling with Noah just talking. No interuptions. Love makes you do strange things. That's what everyone says and let me tell you it's fucking true!

Noah walked out waering only his jeans like always.

"Luke I have something to ask you." Noah said.

My palms started getting a little sweaty. Questions rushing through my mind. What could he possible want to ask me!

He pulled a small box out of his pocket and tossed it to me. I opened it and it was a ring. Intricatly engraved with small loops and swirls. When I looked back at him he was smiling at my shocked face.

"Marry me?" He asked







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