Chapter Two

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"We're losing him! Quick, bring me an IV!"

My eyes felt as if they were made of lead, but somehow, I managed to pry them open. Everything was blurry and moving in slow motion. There were people, or at least I thought they were people, wearing white scrubs and shouting orders. Confused, I tried to prop myself up on my elbow, but a jarring pain sent bright flashes across my vision.

"Whoa there son! Just lay down, you've lost a lot of blood!" Said a blurred figure above me.

"What?" I asked, but was ignored, my head began to pound, and black rings started to cloud my vision. I felt so tired, perhaps if I just closed my eyes....

It was dark, but it wasn't the menacing type of darkness. There was also a muted beeping sound constantly going on in the background.

"Where the fuck am I?" I thought. I tried to sit up and became aware of my immobility. "And why the fuck can't I move?!"

My head began to pound again, I noticed the beeping accelerate. Next thing I know, there's pounding footsteps and loud voices, though they were incomprehensible. I felt a slight pressure on what I assumed would be the inside of my elbow. The tightness I hadn't known was there, was suddenly relieved and my muscles relaxed. With this sudden light feeling spreading through my body, I opened my eyes. Groaning, I turned my head to the side. There was someone sitting beside me, it was a dark figure, for a moment I felt like I was drenched in cold water, fear seized me! Great, death was here for me. But my eyes focused and I saw that it was him. It was Jinxx! As I realized this, the medication took over my body once again, I become aware of the frantic beeping, like the sound of a bird beating it's wings as it lays broken and wounded on the ground. This resumed until the beeping turned into a single endless drone.

"Guys!" An excited voice broke through my dreamless sleep. "I think he's waking up!"

Hey, I know that voice! I struggled to open my eyes, and when I did, bright florescent lights scorched my corneas. After adjusting, I noticed I was surrounded by my fellow band members. They leaned towards me, grins plastered on all their faces.

"Ash! You're finally awake!" CC shouted, causing my head to throb a bit. I smiled weakly.

"Hey guys!" I whispered, Andy shoved himself up in my face, his blue eyes wide.

"Ash!" He said in that deep voice that didn't seem to match his personality. "You scared the shit out of us!"

"Yeah!" Jake chimed in. "You nearly DIED!"

"Do you know how much blood you lost!" Jinxx seemed to explode. "You had me-- I mean US, worried sick!"

The guys stared at Jinxx in awe. Usually he was the one with the level head. Always mothering us and keeping everyone in line. To see this totally different side of him was a shocker. His sudden outburst seemed to scare the guys into submission. Andy backed away and looked seriously at me.

"Jinxx is right, they classified it as a Class IV Hemorrhage."

I had no idea what that was, but it sounded serious.

"Mind telling me what happened?" I asked. "I can't remember much after I blacked out."

Jinxx nodded. "The paramedics found you in a pool, and I literally mean A POOL of your blood! It was soaked into your carpet, your hair, everywhere." His voice became quiet and he looked away from me. "You were paler than a sheet. Practically the color of ashes. Your lips were blue and I could see your veins...excuse me, I told Sammi I'd call when you woke up." With that, he walked brusquely out of the room.

"Weird..." Andy said and rubbed the back of his head. "Anyways, the paramedics had to fly you to the hospital and find donors to replace all the blood you lost. You've been out for almost a week."

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