S a l v a t i o n

20 1 0

Yasmine walked down the street by the empty lot next to uncle dada's house. It was dark out, not a good time to be wandering around.
The only people out at this time were druggies and gangsters. She had run into both. A local gang passed by her, carrying a stolen geyser. She laughed.
"How dangerous can you be if you steal geysers?"
A majority of the gangs in actonville were small league punks. Mamparas who were under the illusion that playing trap music while committing petty crime made you gangster . They did rape occasionally, but that wasn't something she was worried about. They knew they'd get into big trouble if they messed with her.
Her grandfather had a temper, and was known as the neighborhood badass.
In his younger years he would carry a gun around with him. His family begged him not to in fear he would shoot someone.
One day he abruptly stopped and got rid of it. This made yasmine wonder if he had used the gun.
There was one gang to be afraid of, however. The 47's. Actonville wasn't their turf, but they did cross over there at times. They were major league from Cape Town.
They were lead by a white man, which yasmine couldn't imagine. By now she had reached the park, where there were some men standing .
Her attention turned to Two cars, stopping at the curb. A shiny black mustang blasting MAAD CITY slowed, and the tinted window rolled down. A man stuck a hand out the window, holding an automatic, and fired.

If pyros and crips all got along
They'd probably gun me down
By the end of this song
Seems like the whole city go against me
Every time I'm in the street I hear
Yawk yawk yawk yawk

Gunshots and the bass of the music vibrated in her chest as she watched the group of men pull out their pieces and fired back.

"Get down!"
A muscular arm wrapped around the front of her chest . An arm extended past her, and shot off a few rounds.
She could feel herself being dragged through the grass and lifted into a black van. Her attacker lifted her bridal style, and in the moment she glanced the chest she was held against. It was pale and had the word salvation tattooed across it. She looked up at the mans face but could only make out bright blue eyes. She struggled but the man was stronger, and he threw her into the van and closed the door.

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