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Hey guys, I am so sorry that I have to do this , but I think that I have to halt cover production for a while. Before you get all angsty here are the reasons why:

1) My computer had to be hurriedly wiped due to problems, which means that fonts and styles that I have collected over the past few months have all been deleted. Yes, this means that ALL my fonts are gone. I am currently working on replacing all of it, but this may take some time. 

2) Since I am currently on beak from school, I am taking a few vacation days. This year I am going down to a forested area and going to be staying in a cabin in the middle of the woods, which means no wifi. I know this is a lame excuse and im sorry.

3) I find cover making fun, but I am laking inspiration right now. I would really like to making more creative edits once I fix my computer.

4) Since I am taking a break, I have decided that I can still give help, so if any of you have a cover or edit that you have made and would like critiques/help, message me and I will give you my email. 

I am so so so so so terribly sorry that I have to do this, and if you would like to complain or yell at me, feel free to in the comments, I promise I will regard each one and try to help.


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