- i love you more : ashuu yuuta

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As the cacophonous clamor of girls bellowing resonated with the pounding of THRIVE's united hearts', they signed a multitude of divergent merchandise and books for their staunch fans, their exuberance emanating potently throughout the exhausting affair. Eventually, the crowd simmered down into staff members after long-lasting hours of toil. "Aah, I'm tired~" Yuuta breathed out, his idiosyncratic verve somehow intact. "There sure were a lot of people here today."

However, no matter how many people passed through the line-up, Yuuta never saw you; and it disquieted him more than he allowed his friends to believe. After all, you promised you'd show up...! Occluding his sigh from behind heard by taking an ample gulp of gelid water, Yuuta espied someone padding around helplessly in his peripheral vision and immediately riveted his attention onto them.

Garbing a resplendent hoodie, the person consistently shifted their head around as if searching for something. Placing down his water bottle, Yuuta jogged over to them and inquired sweetly, "Are you lost?"

Without warning, they seized his hand and forced every morsel of strength into hauling him into a vacant tent. Discombobulated, Yuuta instinctively put his arms up to defend himself from this possible perpetrator - but the impact of a fist fight never came as they only slid down their hood, revealing their countenance to him. "It's me, Yuuta-kun," you murmured, simpering at his obfuscated expression.

And yet, even though it took him a few seconds to register your familiar face, Yuuta relinquished a sonorous lilt of exaltation, "[Name]-chan, you really came--Mmpfh!" Feeling the warmth of your hand pressed against his lips, Yuuta immediately quieted down.

Heaving a nimble sigh, relieved that your ebullient boyfriend was placated, you shuffled back away from him slightly, the propinquity of your bodies enthralling you into a haze of desire. "I promised you I would. But it'll all be for nothing if you blow my cover!" you chided him softly. "Our relationship is a secret, remember?"

Despite always being so close together, the moment the two of you started dating, you prohibited him from touching you where others could see and you only met in private. Yuuta could understand your anxieties - not coveting to tarnish his reputation with a scandal - but he really wished there weren't any boundaries.

And without saying anything, Yuuta coiled his arms around you, tentatively leaning his weight onto yours as he soaked in the heat emitting from you. "Hugging you after a tiring day really is the best..." Yuuta crooned affectionately, pressing a kiss on the top of your head before snuggling back up against you.

Unable to resist him after all, you smoothed your hand along his back, rubbing ever so gently. "I'm sorry, Yuuta-kun. This really is tough on you too, huh?" you whispered contritely, closing your eyes as you felt diminutive droplets integrate on your ebony lashes. "More than anything, I want to see you shine brightly on stage, capturing the hearts of everyone with your pure and sincere nature. That's why... I can't see you in public just yet. I won't let anyone ruin your image."

Painfully understanding your consideration, Yuuta could only remove his lips from the crook of your neck and dotingly affix them against yours in a short, but breathtaking kiss. "I know, [Name]-chan! But if you say things like that, I'll only fall for you harder, and who knows when I won't be able to hold back?" he teased your mirthfully, reveling in your abashed mien as you fumbled for words. "I really do love you, and I'll never leave you, either. No matter what happens...!"

Genuinely smiling at Yuuta's words, you poised yourself up on your tiptoes and pressed another kiss on his lips. "It's the same for me. Even if I'm a commoner compared to you," you jested, chortling when Yuuta's face scrunched up in disagreement. "We're connected, always. As long as you feel the same, nothing will break us apart."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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