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It was 2 months after the Bellwether incident. Nick had been at the Zootopia Police Academy since. The academy was just a few miles outside Zootopia, and just out of sight of the city. It was a nice sunny day and so far everything was going well. Nick had completely his daily physical training and now was in the classroom.

"Alright, everyone open you're books to chapter 5!"
The teacher, (who happened to be the same polar bear that taught Judy), said.

Nick was an average student. He struggled a bit as being a semi-small animal but put in a bit of extra effort to make up for it. Being a fox didn't help much as well. Fox racism was still a huge thing across the world and Nick was always treated poorly. However he never gave up. His main motivation was getting to be Judy's partner. Whenever he thought about her, it would motivate him to work harder.

While all the students including Nick were studying, a tiger with some padding on and holding a muzzle quietly entered the back of the room.

2 bears who were sitting in the back and happened to see the tiger and whispered to each other

"Hey looks like someone is getting the muzzle test" One said

"whats that?" asked the other

"It's a surprise test they give to all of us. They sneak up on you from behind and put a muzzle over your face. Just like a criminal could on the streets."

"Then what?"

"Then, if you get it off fast enough, you pass."

"Oh ok....hey it looks like he's going for that fox."

The tiger walked slowly and quietly towards Nick, who was to busy answering questions in the book to notice, and quickly put the muzzle over his face.

The moment Nick felt the cold metal on his face, he knew what was on him. Nick's eyes shot wide open as his childhood memories flashed back. He screamed and fell out of his chair onto the floor, causing a big scene. He yanked at the several times in a completely uncoordinated effort to get it off his face. It took him at least 30 seconds to finally get it off. Far to late if this had been on the streets.  Still in total panic, threw the muzzle as hard as he could without thought, as if it was a venomous snake.

It flew across the room and went through a window, causing a large crash. Glass flew everywhere.

Nick sat on the floor, breathing hard. Everyone was looking at him, some laughing.

"NICK WILDE!" The teacher said as she walked over to him, as he was still on the floor, now aware of what he just did.

"Pull yourself together and step out in the hall with me. I would like to have a word with you." the teacher said.

He got up and shakily walked out into the hall with the teacher.

Later that night around 10:00, Nick was outside instead of sleeping and looked up at the stars in deep thought. Suddenly his phone rang, a MuzzleTime from Judy.

Just seeing that she called helped soothe his troubled mind a bit. He didn't know why, but whenever he talked to Judy, it seemed all his troubles got a bit smaller.

He answered.
"Hey Nick!" Said Judy, with a friendly tone. "How are......what are you doing outside? Normally you're getting ready for bed when I call."

Nick let out a sigh and looked at Judy, who was laying on her bed in her pajamas, as usual when she called.

"Hey Carrots, just thought I would come out here and get some air. It's been a rough day."

With a concerned look on her face Judy said
"Everything ok?"

"Well I had to clean up and pay to replace a broken window, I'm making a D overall, and I failed a test today. Teacher said if I don't shape up, I may not become a cop."

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