I talk to her- chapter 12

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Gabby has only been gone of 6 weeks. I miss her so much everyday. They say as time goes on things get easier. For me as time goes on I miss her more everyday. Things seem so hard. There was Hallie and she died. After Hallie I was hurt. I was in pain and didn't know what was next. I eventually healed because I had Gabby. She was always there for me and we had each other always. Before being together and after. Gabby was the only woman that I saw a real happy future with. When I looked into her sweet chocolate brown eyes I saw our future. That was clear to me.

 I looked past her and I saw our wedding day. She was in a  long white dress, her hair was down. She was smiling just so big. Our friends and family were around us. We were so happy. I saw our kids being born. It was hard work, but we got through it. We had 2 girls, and a little boy. The kids ran around together. They were best friends. We took a few weeks off in the summer to go off the grid a little bit. We stayed in a cabin and had some time away from everything.

I imagined so much with her. A long life. We were going to go through it all together. We were going to retire together and spend our days at home looking out into the neighborhood. We were going to look as our grandkids ran around and remember our good old days. Antonio came into the house, silently " hey..." I didn't hear him, I was just here. Antonio tapped me on the shoulder " Matt..." I looked at him, startled " yeah... what.." He looked at me " hey... you ok..." I nodded " fine..." He looked at me " what were you thinking...?" I looked at him as tears started to fill in my eyes " about Gabby..." He looked at me " what about..?" I looked at him " our wedding... our kids... retirement... we were going to have it all.." He looked at me " you had it all... Gabby loved you so much. You made her more happy than anyone. you were her best boyfriend and fianceè." I looked at him " I still talk to her..." He looked at me "you do..." I nodded " yeah everyday... morning and night. I tell her about everything going on and what is going to happen." He looked at me " you going back to work....?" I shrugged " I don't know... nothing will be the same..." He looked at me " Matt... you know Gabby would want you to be happy... she wouldn't want you to stop doing what you love. She would want you to live your life.. you can always remember her and keep moving. that's what keeps everything alive..." A tear dripped down my face " I miss her... that's all." 

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