8 ;

42 12 31

uno ; i don't normally respond to messages I haven't replied to in a week cause I think those people normally delete messages like mine so yeah 😂

due ; my favorite food are pizza and gelato 😅

tre ; I've never really tasted fast food til I was 12 when my older brother took me out to eat at McDonalds. Then my mum went berserk saying food there has e.coli and that me and my brother were gonna die an early death 😂

quattro ; i tried to imitate the thing I saw in discovery channel where they cooked a whole thanksgiving meal using a car engine 💪

cinque ; Ho avuto problemi, e continuo a farlo, rendendo amici a causa di problemi di fiducia

Tag 15 people? 😂 I don't know that many? But I was tagged to do this here nonetheless 😩


So I only know 7 from the above 😂 sorry bout that 😩🙏

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