inuyasha and kagome sonfic dark side

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MaKayal's (authers) p.o.v

This takes place when kagome was asking inuyasha why he wants to become a full fledjed demon.

End of p.o.v

Kagome are you ok? Yeah I'm just cold. Ok here. (He took off the top half of his robe of the fire rat and raped it around her shoulders.) Thanks your so sweet. Um problem. Inuyasha why do you want to become a full fledjed demon? Because when I was a kid I felt abandon by everyone exept my mom but when she died I was completly alone. Well now you have me sango shippo miroku and kilala. We all love you just the way you are. Well I want everyone to notice me. Well we want you to stay apart of this family and if you become a full demon you won't have that anymore. So what? Huh well if you don't want a family then that's fine with me. With that kagome ran and inuyasha was to pissed to run afte her. (CLONK) owwww what the hell was that for sango ?!?!?!?! For being an ass so I hit you with my higericotes. You hert kagome badly inuyasha so you need to go after her. No way its not my fault she's to stupid to understand my past. Kelala!! Raaaaaaww( pffffff!!!!) Get of of me kelala.(she was sitting on him. Not until you go get kagome iuyasha. Shippo said in a pouty voice. Fine let me go find her. With that the pissed hanyou was running for kagome. He fond her at the sacred tree on the bottom branch.

Kagomes p.o.v

Inuyasha why would you choose being a full demon over you family? I have a dark side to but I'm afraid of showing you because of what might happen. Hm theirs a song I remember called dark side that's ironic.

Theirs a place that I know its not pretty their if you have ever gone if I show it to you now will it make you run away or will you stay even if it hurts. Even if I try to push you out will you return and reminde me who I realy am please remind me who I realy am. Everybodys got a dark side do yoiu love me can you love mine nobodys a picture perfect when were worth it you know were worth it will you love me even with my darkside like a dimonde from black glass from black glass its hard to know what can become if you give up . So don't give up on me and reminde me who I realy am .every bodys got a dark side do you love me caan you love mine no bady a picture perfect when were worth it you know were worth it will you love me even with my dark side. Don't run away don't run away. Don't run away promise youl'l stay. After she finished inuyasha was looking at her and saw her crying so he jumped up the tree and grabbed her into an imbrace. Huh inuyasha were did you come from?!?!?! il'l ask the quetions. Oh um ok. Are you ok. 1st of all inuyasha I'm not ok 2nd I'm freezing and 3rd I love you and you can't even tell at all. Wait what the heck did you just say?!? I love you. You idiot. In what way ? Like this she grabed his hair and pulled him into kiss him and he rappd his arms around her to hug her. After about 10 minutes of hugging miroku finaly said " well well well looks like we found the other to love birds. Aaaaaaaaagh miroku sango you idiots when did you get hear?!?!?! Right after kagome said she was freezing. Oh ok but you guys will regret it after I find out you to love each other. Inuyasha hold on what did you two mean by other love birds? Kagome asked confused. Well me and sango are datin so shes my sweet heart and your inuyashas. Sango looked at miroku and blushed. Well kagome ill stay a half demon ok if it means you will stay ok will you be my wife. YES OF COURSE ILL MARY YOU. I. About a year kagome and inuyasha had three kids one has black hair and ears one has a tail and a cresent moon on her head and the other has white hair and ears all three are girls.sango and miroku had 3 kids 2 twin girls and a baby boy.

inuyasha and kagome sonfic dark sideWhere stories live. Discover now