Daniel & Y/N

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Y/N's POV •
Finally, spring break my brain is finally going to have a break of thinking and stressing a bit. Me and my friend decide to go to the gas station and buy some chips so we can watch some movies , when we entered me and her went separate ways to get whatever we wanted

Daniel's POV •
I'm at the gas station right now and I'm back home with my family, me and a couple of friends wanted some junk food to watch some movies , as I was heading to the chip section I came across this girl with light brown hair , she had a shirt with some ripped jeans and vans and honestly she looks so beautiful wow

Y/N's POV •
I'm at the chip section picking out like a billion bags of chips and I felt like someone was looking at me as I look up I see a beautiful boy with deep blue eyes with brownish hair , ripped jeans and a long shirt with vans like mine , I think the gates of heaven opened cause he is so beautiful, he came up to me and we exchanged information and decided to hangout the next day

Daniel's POV •
I was brave enough to go up to her and ask her for her information and we're hanging tomorrow, I'm super excited I feel a strong connection with her.

Hi y'all , I'm alive I have one week left of school before I finally have my spring break, enjoy this small imagine ok bye ily

- diana (:

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