All Around the World Doflamingo x Reader pt10

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  "Keimi where are we going" You whispered as you and the other female women were walking into some weird shack that had a lot of holding cells like the ship you were on.

"We're going to be sold (Y/N)-chan but believe me my friends will be here to help us" She tried to reassure you.

All you could have done was shake your head in an understanding manner 'Whoever Keimi friends are, please save her. Doffy, please find me' You thought to yourself.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen! The mighty Nobles, I bow to you, I HOPE YOU ALL SAVED YOUR MONIES TODAY! WE HAVE SURPRISES LEFT RIGHT AND CENTER! DO ENJOY AND BUY AS MANY SLAVES AS YOU WANT! ~" Disco shouted into the mic making the crowd go wild except for the Nobles.


Your heart was beating out of your chest hearing all of the commotion going on in the front. "K-Keimi, I'm scared" you whispered as tears began seeping out of your eyes. You looked down at you promise ring Doflamingo gave you and you were slowly losing hope.

"D-D-Don't cry (Y/N)-chan, I'm scared too but I believe in Luffy and the others. My friends will be there to help us. You just have to believe in them." Keimi felt so bad for you but she had to keep the faith for both of you.

You nodded your head and wiped away your tears. "I will Keimi" you said in a hushed manner. In a matter of minutes someone grabbed your hair and took out your half way braided hair making your hair fall loose from its plait.

"There, now you look more like a million bucks. Do me a favor; when you go out there make sure you sing properly or two things will happen to you. 1) Me and my men will fuck your pussy day in and day out until we get tired and kill you, 2) If you don't sing your best it's a possibility the Nobles will even kill you."

You covered your mouth and understood what was about to happen. You hung your head low and told the man who kidnapped you that you understood.

"Good girl, you along with the mermaid will be the grand finale so say your last farewells" He gave your cheek a few good slaps and left you with Keimi.

"We'll be fine (Y/N)-chan", Keimi said as she placed her hands on her glass bubble.

You placed your hands where Keimi had her hands and gave her a soft smile.

"Man, this place is packed!" Usopp said as he placed his hand over his eyes to scan the area.

"We could have been here earlier and get a seat if Zoro would have stop straying off" Nami said as she gave him a death stare.

"Tsk.. shitty swordsman" Sanji said under his voice.

"Enough guys, we're here. We just need to wait for Keimi" Luffy said as he sat on the railings since all of the seats were taken.

"Look" Robin said as she pointed left. "That's Eustass Kid, and that man over there is Trafalgar Law" Luffy they're like you, they also have high bounties.

"Tsssskekekekehehe, is that so, then it should be fun fighting them" Luffy smirked to himself."

"Please, no more fighting and no more off-topic we need to be worried about Keimi" Hatchan said.

"I agree, let's watch and see what'll happen" Pappug said as he too sat on the railings crossing his little arms.

"I wonder if they will be showing ladies in their panties" Brook said as he along with Sanji began having a nose bleed just thinking about it.

"Tsk, shitty cook" Zoro said under his breath.

"Captain look, It's Trafalgar Law and Monkey D Luffy" Killer informed his captain.

"Tsk, I don't care about that brat, he's just a loud mouth but Law, I've heard things about him." Kid looked in Law's direction.

Law felt someone looking at him and averted his gaze to where it was coming from only to be eyed with Eustass Kid. Law smirked and flipped Kid off by sticking his middle finger up at him and turning his attention back to the show.

Of course this angered Kid but he'd make sure that he'll beat the shit out of Law before they left this shitty island.

As time, went by women and men of all ages were being sold left right and center today just seemed to be a perfect day for Disco. It seems like everyone wanted a slave even people as worthless as pirates wanted slaves.


Doflamingo eyed his comrades Diamante and Trebol as they placed bids for women. Doflamingo clicked his tongue and threw his head back as he decided to close his eyes and think. Images of the day he almost had you began popping in his head. You in your lace panties and bra, your soft breasts, your long (h/c), those seductive sighs and moans you were making, your blushing face, your soft lips he wished that moment would last forever or the moment he proposed to you. The way your eyes lit up, the way you both kissed, the way he hugged you. Veins began popping out of Doflamingos head because those three men went and took his sunshine away from him. He gritted his teeth and balled his fists he was just ready to kill.


"Ladies and gentlemen I hope you didn't spend up all of your money already it's time for the grand finale!!!! We've prepared two special ladies for you" Disco said. "CLOSE THE CURTAINS!"


"Guys this might be it!" Nami said as she clenched her number in her hand tighter.

Everyone looked at the stage as they were eager to see what was about to happen. As for Hatchan and Pappug, they hugged one another to see if it was Keimi.


Just as Law and Kid was about to leave to have a fight Law decided to see what all the commotion was about and so did Kid. Since they both heard 'grand finale.'


"Come on you two!" One man grabbed you and took you away from Keimi. Your heart kept beating faster and harder because you didn't know where you were going all you heard was Keimi shouting your name and then he started pushing you all over the place.

"Don't forget what I told you woman."

You tried calming yourself down by taking deep breaths in and out. You were then placed in another cage and then a huge purple kind of sheet was thrown over you as they carried you someplace else.

Keimi on the other hand had a huge red sheet thrown over her bubble and she was then rolled someplace else away from her dear friend (y/n). 'Hang in there (Y/N)-chan. We'll get through this.' She thought to herself.


The lights went out in the stadium causing everyone to gasp and wonder what was happening and then a drum roll was playing. "Ladies and gentlemen and the almighty Nobles. I present to you, two beautiful ladies. Some might say one is more beautiful than the next and vice versa. One of them can be used simply as a decoration in your household or even a pet you might say. The other one, her voice is as calm as the ocean on a moonlit night. Not only is she beautiful but if you have a big garden I'm sure you won't be disappointed in her works." Disco said as he smiled at the crowd knowing that he had everyones' full attention more than ever now.



"QUIET TREBOL!" Doflamingo cut Trebol off as he prepared for the worst. Doflamingo leaned forward and placed his elbows on his thighs as his hands were in a praying position so he can rest his chin on them. " Turn up the volume." Once Diamante turned up the volume he watched the auction ever so carefully.


"It's time for you to pick my dear audiences. Which sheet do you want us to remove? Sheet A?" A bright light flashed on the velvet purple sheet, " or sheet B?" A bright light flashed on the red sheet. " It's your pick my audiences." Disco said with a smirk on his face.

"SHEET A, SHEET A, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. SHEET B, SHEET B,BBBBBBBBBBB" The crowd went wild yelling out the different sheets which tickled Disco's ticklish bone.

"LET ME HEAR THE NOISE FOR SHEET B" A loud uproar from the crowd was heard. "LET ME HEAR IT FOR SHEET A" Another loud uproar from the crowd was heard along with stomping off the feet and clapping of the hands. " WE'LL REVEAL BOTH OF THE BEAUTIES TO YOU, REMOVE THE SHEETS!"

The sheets were removed and man you could have sworn you just got blinded by the bright lights. When your eyes adjusted to its new surroundings your heart dropped someplace or it just stopped completely. 'So much people' You thought to yourself. It was enough to make you faint. You turned your attention to the other side of you and you saw Keimi with the same fear on your face that you had.

"(Y/N)-chan", Keimi moved her lips and placed her hands on her glass bubble as she looked at you ready to cry.

You looked at Keimi and gave her a small soft smile. "Your friends will come for you, you'll be fine" You moved your lips so Keimi can read them and soon enough she understood what you said as she sent a sheepish smile your way.

The crowd on the other hand was running wild. Mermaids were said to be the most beautiful creatures but this mere human was beating a mermaids beauty.


"WHAT!" Doflamingo slammed his fist down on the table shattering it to pieces as veins popped all over his face and hands. He than began gritting his teeth harder and harder that his gums began to bleed. 'How dare they try and make the future Queen of Dressrosa a slave' He thought to himself as he was ready to break everyones neck. He started placing in his bids but bidding was close at the moment which only angered Doflamingo more.

Diamante and Trebol looked at their young master and their suspicions were cleared. He loved her; he actually loved someone.


"KEIMI!" Hatchan and Pappug almost yelled out.

Kid leaned forward in his chair pleased with the girl they had in the belly dancer outfit. It showed off her well built curvaceous body. Maybe he'll buy her and make her his personal slave. A huge smirk was plastered on Kid's face as excitement was easily seen in his eyes.

Law paid close attention to the girl they had in the belly dancer outfit and he had to admit she was way more beautiful than the mermaid. Law had a plan in his head and his plan was to sit back and watch who purchases her, then he'll ambush their ship and take her for his prize.


"Where's my manners, let me introduce you all to the mermaid Keimi and the beautiful maiden....", He placed his microphone to your mouth so you can say your name.

"(Y/y/y/N)" you shyly stuttered out as you averted your attention elsewhere.

"Awwwwww she's so shyyyyy~," Disco said as he pinched your cheeks hard.

You looked at him as if he was retarded because who pinches people on their cheeks unless their children or a couple just..... who does that???

"Well my dear I think the crowd and I would like to hear you sing now.... Don't we"

The crowd started to shout and some even jeered at you by saying you betters not sound as disgusting as the others. You took it that, that guy was serious that they'll kill you. You inhaled and released a deep sigh how could you possibly sing if these people kept making noise. You just wanted to get this over with.


Doflamingo was waiting for the bids to open up as he watched you sigh ever so often. Seeing you with chains on your neck and hands angered him more and more. He wanted to leave now and head to Sabaody Archipelago but he knew it'll take at least two days for him to arrive there. He can be there in under a day if he used his devil fruit but the chances of clouds being scares were at an all-time high and Buffalo was out on a mission with Lao G at the moment. Doflamingo gritted his teeth as he promised himself he'll have the heads of the idiots who took you away from him. He'll also have the heads of the idiots that dared to touch your virginity because it belonged to him!


The crowd was still throwing jeers at you because so many times whenever a woman was supposedly supposed to have a beautiful voice it was really a disgusting voice.

You got so tired of them making noise that you grabbed the microphone away from Disco, closed your eyes and began to sing.

~ I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams~
~ Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why, without you it's hard to survive~
~Cause every time we touch I get this feeling and every time we kiss I swear I could fly~
~Can't you feel my heart beat fast I want this to last need you by my side. ~
~Cause every time we touch I feel the static and every time we kiss I reach for the sky~
~Can't you feel my heart beat so I can't let you go, want you in my life~

You didn't need music to sing your voice itself sounded like it had musical instruments in it. The minute you opened your mouth and the audiences heard the few words that escaped it the they were completely shock and the room went quiet you were now the center of attention. Your voice was so smooth that it managed to put everyone in some type of daze.

~ Your arms are my castle your heart is my sky~
~They wipe away tears that I cry~
~The good and the bad times we've been through than more~
~ You make me rise when I fall~
~ Cause every time we touch I get this feeling and every time we kiss I swear I could fly~
~ Can't you feel my heart beat fast I want this to last need you by my side~

It was time for you to hit a high note but to also make it come out smooth so you opened your mouth wide as you lowered your voice.

~ Cause every time we touchhhh~~~~~ I feel the static and every time we kiss I reach for the sky~~
~Can't you feel my heart beat so....... I can't let you go......... want you in my life~~~

You weren't about to sing the rest of the song because all you felt was glares and it was making you uncomfortable. You turned your head the other way to avoid the crowds stare and gave Disco back his microphone.

Disco didn't even let you out the cage yet to show you off and what you have to offer but you just stole the show away from him and the mermaid. He wasn't even sure if anyone wanted the mermaid anymore. You were way more beautiful than the mermaid, you could sing, your body was just right, you were shy, everyone should want you. Disco finally took his microphone away from you as he tried to find words in his head but how could he possibly find anything he was just as dumbfounded as the crowd.


Law's mouth dropped open when he heard you singing. He was pretty sure his heart stopped too because your voice just did something to him.

On the other hand Kids eyes went wide when he heard you singing. You needed to be on his ship pronto.


Trebol and Diamante mouth dropped to the floor when they heard you sing. Your voice was just too precious no wonder their young master fell in love with you. There could be other reasons too but they knew your looks, voice and personality had to be the main reason especially that shyness of yours.

Doflamingo felt that you were singing that song for him and little did he know you were. You wanted him to find you and you believed he would. Doflamingo kept pressing the bid button only to get a buzzing sound to say that placing bids weren't ready as yet. Judging by the way the crowd looked at you he was going to pay millions even trillions to get you back where you belonged.


"KEIMI!!" Hatchan broke the silence and ran towards Keimi.

"Hatchan-ni" Keimi shouted back.

'Her friends actually came for her,' you thought to yourself. You were so happy for Keimi until you both witnessed a Noble take out a gun only to shoot Hatchan several times. You placed your hands over your mouth feeling sadness for Keimi until a boy with a straw hat came marching down the isle only to deliver a hard punch in the face of the Noble who laughed at Hatchan as he shoot him calling him a disgusting creature.

Soon enough to your surprise guns were pulled out and everyone began screaming and panicking.

You backed up to the back of the cage and covered your head as you released screams here and there.


Doflamingo watched the drama unfold before him as men tried to get you out of your cage and take you with them until his TV screen went blank. "DAMN IT ALL!" Doflamingo yelled out as he slammed his fists on his TV breaking it. "Trebol, get my ship ready, I'm going to have a visit to our dear friends at the auction house."

"YES YOUNG MASTER~" Trebol sang out.  

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