Part 1

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A/n- Since my friend didn't come up for spring break, I have more time to write 50 fan fictions! In case you don't know (you probably don't), I was joking with my friend after I posted my first (cringey) fanfiction that next time she saw me, 50 fanfictions would be on our Wattpad. That was a joke. Now I'm trying (emphasis on trying) to actually write 5, I don't know why. 

Your requests would help, and even if you're reading after my little challenge ended, you can still request. I'm working on a lot of stories, but I can't finish or work on them since I have no time due to state tests and final exams... I'm hoping that over the summer I'll have more time to work on my Wattpad. 

Now onto the story info... you thought this author's note was done didn't you! Every time I read a Greece x Reader, I think "How can I live with Greece? I'm allergic to cats, and it's pure suffering to live with cats or dogs for two days... BUT FIFTY MILLION CATS FOR FOREVER IS ALOT" so here, have this. Yes this is inspired by allergies, I had an hour and a half to write this. PS I got this done at 11:58 on March 25, but it turned midnight before I could post it. Sorry!


"Cats aren't my favorite thing, you are."


A brown-haired Greek man stared outside lovingly at his (h/c)-haired girlfriend, (Y/n). She lay under a magnolia tree, reading a book. Many of his cats surrounded her, along with a bunch of Bear's Breech the planted a few years ago. Though she was happily petting them, she didn't look in the best condition. 

Her (e/c) eyes were a bit red and puffy, and her(s/c) skin looked a bit irritated from scratching at it. She was sneezing and sniffling, but he just brushed it off and thought it was from the pollen, since it was spring. 

He joined the (race) girl outside, laying under the tree next to her. He eventually fell asleep, causing the girl to giggle. She closed her book and laid on his stomach, drifting to a nice, comfortable sleep.

She woke up a few hours later to find that it was a bit chilly. Her boyfriend was still asleep, his face looked peaceful. She hesitated on waking him, but it was getting cold and late. 

"Hercules. Heracles." (Y/n) called. 

The brown-haired man woke up and looked around. "(Y/n)? Where did all the cats go? Why is it so dark?" He asked lazily. 

"They all went inside because it's getting late, come on, it's time we went inside, too." She responded. They went inside, and (Y/n) gave the brunette a peck on the cheek before setting off for her own home.

<Time Skip + Your POV>

You arrived home and parked your car into your garage. You twisted the key into the lock, opened your door, and turned on the light. 

The ceiling lights illuminated the room, so you could see your allergy pills. These were safe to take everyday, unlike some other medicines. You sniffed and grabbed the bottle, taking out the pills and swallowing them with water. (I do this everyday, and I'm fine.)

 You sighed and said, "It's kinda hard dating Heracles. This cats are so cute, and they're too adorable not to hug! But their fur stays on my clothes, and I get it all over my home, making my allergies worse! Ugh maybe I should end it? No, it's not worth it! Sure, his cats are a bit of a nuisance with their fur, but I still love Heracles, so I'll stay." You plopped down on your (color) sheets and fell asleep once again.

<Heracles POV? No it's 3rd person (limited for all you people)>

Heracles sat at this window again, looking outside. Though it may seem like nothing is in his head, he usually thinks about things like history or philosophy, but today, a new topic was on his mind. You. He noticed that you had allergies, but he thought about the time you two had your first date. It was to some gardens, and it was late spring. You were fine.

He thought about all the possibilities. Was it food? No you'd have a different reaction to food. The tree? No, why would you sit openly under something you're allergic to? The cats? But you pet them all the time! 'That's it,' he thought, 'I'll just go ask.' He put on some clean clothes, just in case it was cats.

<Time Skip, Your POV>

You woke up abruptly after hearing your front door open. 

"Um... who is it?" you almost said, before using common sense. If it was a murderer, then they would know where you were! (Seriously, don't call out if you hear a noise in your house...) 

"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice spoke. 

Heracles! "Here!" You responded, quickly trying to make yourself presentable. 

Heracles opened your door, sitting on your bed. "What're you allergic to?" 

The Greek man asked. "Oh you know (allergy), (another allergy (just use like pollen or something if you can't think of one)), dander..." you trailed off, hoping that the wouldn't remember that dander is in fur. Cats have fur. (NO DIP SHERLOCK). 

"Don't cats have dander?" He asked, turning this head towards you. You twiddled your thumbs (that sounds weird) and responded, "Yea..."

"Why're you still dating me if you're allergic to cats?"

"Cause I love you, even if you're allergic to your favorite thing."

"Cats aren't my favorite thing, you are."

"Aw! This is why I love you Heracles!"

He came over and gave you a hug. "How're we gonna handle the cats though?"

"I'll move them."


<Time Skip>

"HERACLES! WHY ARE ALL THESE CATS HERE?" You heard this neighbor, Sadiq yell. The Turk and his little brother, (I couldn't find a good name for TRNC so here, have Cyprus) Cyprus came over to your boyfriend's home. 

"We moved them there, so (Y/n) didn't have to suffer with allergies." "That doesn't give you permission to put cats in my yard!"

"Aren't they cute though?"

"Sure but... They're taking up too much space!"

"Guys stop fighting!" Cyprus tried to intervene. He didn't succeed.

You just laughed at your boyfriend and what shenanigans the could get himself into.

~Fin (LAND)

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