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Ellie clenched her hand into a fist, wrapping her fingers around the cold skeleton key. Her chin quivered as she inhaled sharply. On the floor lie a light skinned African American man. His knees were folded up to his chest. He would twitch once or twice, but he moved his arms slowly towards his chest. Without opening his eyes, he inhaled shakily. "I won't do it again!" He yelled without warring. "Please!" He sobbed. His arm jerked in one direction suddenly. "I won't make anymore mistakes." He whispered. Ellie just stared at the man still shocked. She didn't know what to do. Ellie looked behind her cautiously. She closed the door after her, making sure the door clicked. "Don't leave me!" The man sobbed louder. "I won't leave you." Ellie replied softly. The man opened his eyes in terror. "Damn it, Timothy!" He said sharply under his breath. "I need... It won't stop, will it?" He shrieked. "Leave me alone unless you're here to kill me." He said looking into Ellie's eyes. Ellie stood at a stand still. She had found Timothy Weeks.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Ellie said in a hushed voice. "You're not real." Timothy replied shortly. Ellie walked up to him slowly. Alert, he backed up against the paint chipped wall. Chains clinked and rattled. Ellie put her hand out. "I am real." She said calmly. Timothy narrowed his eyes and wearily put out his hand. He delicately touched her hand and his eyes grew wide like an abandon kitten seeing shelter. "Oh my God..." He muttered. Ellie smiled warmly. "Why is she making more people come here?" He said, seemingly talking to himself. "I'm not here from the hospital. Miss Sarah is my great aunt. I was forced to live here for the summer." Ellie replied. Timothy looked up at her. "You must be Timothy. I'm Ellen." She smiled. He sneered. "That's Mr. Weeks to you." He replied businesslike. Ellie raised her eyebrow. "Alright, Mr. Weeks. What happened?" She stood up and looked around the room. The room looked dreary. It was painted pure white, but paint was chipping off, revealing the skeleton like wood. There was a tiny window with no curtains. The only accessory in the room was a metal rusting chair. The room looked downright depressing. Timothy avoided eye contact with Ellie. "I got punished." He said childlike. "For what?" Ellie looked down curiously. He brought himself up and sat crisscross on the old dusty floor. "I... I started a fight." He darted his eyes to the floor. Ellie nodded. 'That is a stupid reason to get locked up' she thought.

Timothy cracked his neck and fidgeted while Ellie looked around the room. "Ellen?" He asked. Ellie turned around concerned. "I need my medicine." He blurted out. Ellie nodded cheerfully. She thought back to his report. "Risperdal, Antidepressants, and Antipsychotics." She whispered under her breath. "May I ask a few questions?" He asked skeptically. Ellie giggled. "Sure!"

"How old are you?"


Timothy looked at the ground. "That's all." He chirped. Ellie laughed. "I remember when I was fifteen." He started. "It sucked." He shook his head. His foot jerked to the left and made the chain click. He grunted and held onto his leg. "Stupid tics." He muttered. Ellie looked out the window in the room. Outside it had started to sprinkle a little. "Typical Washington weather." She stated. Timothy laughed a little. He began to fiddle with his chains on his wrist. Ellie walked up to the lock. She crouched down and pulled out the skeleton key. She measured up the lock, but it didn't match with the skeleton key. Ellie frowned. "It's alright." Timothy said. "I can survive in here... I just need something to eat and my medication." He muttered. Ellie nodded. "How long have you been in here?" She questioned. "A week and one day."

Ellie stood back in shock. "Did she feed you?" Her eyes became wide. Timothy looked at the floor. "No. There's a bathroom in here. At first I didn't have chains. I would drink out of the sink faucet. I did that for three days. She.... She found out, and put me in these chains. She gave me something to eat that day so I wouldn't die." Timothy sighed. "I eventually picked the lock and drank water for several days. She found out again, chained me up, locked the bathroom door, and beat me." Timothy paused as he blinked his eyes rapidly. He pulled up his shirt with his teeth. There were many bruises and scabs. Ellie grimaced. "I haven't eaten anything for three days. She never came back." He muttered. Ellie jumped up from her crouching position. "Well, I can't unlock you, but I can make you food." Ellie grinned. "Wait..." She pondered. "Couldn't people hear you if you were screaming and break down the door?" She asked. "Good question." Timothy stated. "Unlike the other rooms in this house, this room is completely soundproof. Nothing goes out, nothing comes in. This room is specifically for punishing." He replied. "I'm sure if Brian heard me he would save me." He muttered to himself. Ellie nodded. "Be right back!" She chirped.

Down in the kitchen, Ellie prepared toast with jam, pineapple wedges, apple slices, and water. She grabbed the pills that Timothy took and rushed back upstairs. She looked cautiously around to make sure none of the others saw her. She wasn't sure why, but she didn't want to tell Clark. She entered Timothy's room and smiled. Timothy sighed out of relief. "Thank you!" Ellie brought him the food. He ate the fruit quickly, but somewhat savored the toast. Ellie walked over to the bathroom door. She put the skeleton key in it and heard a click. "Yes!" She exclaimed. Timothy laughed. He popped the pills in his mouth and stood up. He grabbed the windowsill for help standing. He limped slowly over towards the bathroom. Ellie held the door open, but he didn't go in. He held onto the doorframe, swaying and twitching. "I can reach!" He exclaimed proudly. Ellie nodded and giggled. "I'll be right back, okay?" She asked, having a plan. He nodded still staring into the bathroom.

Ellie rushed into her room and dug through her suitcase. She practically packed her whole room in there. She yanked out a sleeping bag and an extra pillow. She also pulled out a few books. Ellie tucked the books and pillow under her arm and kicked the sleeping bag out of her room. She brought it into Timothy's room. She made up the sleeping bag on the floor and put the books on it. Timothy limped out of the bathroom and smiled at the sight of the sleeping bag. "Thanks." He muttered. He made his way over to the sleeping bag and sat on it. He picked up the books and twirled them in his hands. "How's Jeremy?" He asked hopefully. "Um...." Ellie thought. "He has really bad panic attacks." She replied. "That's normal." Timothy stated snottily. "I mean he isn't deaf yet, is he?" He rubbed his bad leg. Ellie looked into his eyes sadly. "He is completely deaf and blind..." She whispered. Timothy looked at the floor. "Oh." He said disappointedly. Ellie smiled sorrowfully. "I'll let you rest." She whispered. He nodded and in a spasmodic motion, plopped his head on the pillow.

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