Chapter 1

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I stood in the shower, rethinking my life once again.

'Why am I here?' I thought to myself. 'Oh yes, now I remeber. I killed someone.'

I wanted to be out of this jail, out of this country, but that wouldnt happen for nearly 3 more years. I was in one of the most strict, crazy, horrible jails in America. The Oklahoma City Detention Facility. Only the worst of worst criminals come here from all over the world. They did give us the luxury of showers though, which was a good thing because men can get real smelly real fast.

I was the only female in the jail, which ment I had to look out for myself real good. Its not that I was scared of getting raped or murded in the middle of the night, because that could happen in any jail, even if there were women, and I know for a fact it has happened to pepole.

I stopped myself from my thoughts and shut off the water, then dried myself inside of the shower. They had small stalls for that, but they had no dividers, so everyone saw everyone. Same with the showers. Thats why I waited until the showers were empty, then I took a shower.

"Your gonna be sharin' a cell with Lainheart." I heard a officer say, so I quickly pulled on my orange pants and black shirt, and ran back to my cell.

I stared at the boy in front of me. Long black hair, big brown eyes, with a finely drawn face. He was very skinny but in shape, with visable muscles.

"Your a girl?" He asked.

"Looks like it." I said back.

"So im Dallas, but you call me Dally."

"Real snappy, huh? Well, Im Elizabeth Lainheart, and lets get one thing clear. I was here first, so this is my cell. Do you got that?"


"Smart ass."

"Well thanks for the compliment."

"Anytime," I said, very sarcasticly. "Your alright kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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