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She..., an ode to the person close to my heart.



She is the one

That lights up my world everyday

Without her it will not be the same

There would be no reason to live

It does not matter where she came from

Or what she did

All that matters is that now she is right here

I pray that she will stay forever

Such a pretty girl, everywhere I look

I see her in every lady I see

She makes this ugly world

A better place for me

What would the world be like without such a girl like her

Who sets my world into fire as she takes it over

Stealing my soul day after day

My heart and my mind with her night and day.

What would it be like if she will be gone one day

Then my world will be sad, lonely, and creepy

Because such a lady will be gone

Who makes my world go around.

# END #

Copyright © 2005, 2017 Yahuhanan (יהוחנן) Yukia (雪亮) Sese (謝) Cuneta / JC John Sese Cuneta.

Copyleft 🄯 license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC By-SA) 4.0 International

FictionPress publication: 2005-10-31

Wattpad publication: 2017-03-26

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