16 4 0

Danny513: hey

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Danny513: hey

Not-Hannah369: sup?

Danny513: oh u know whats up

Not-Hannah369: lmao what

he's a strange one, danny. cute as all hell with that dimpled chin and easy smile, but not usually very nice.

Danny513: ur pics

Not-Hannah369: which ones?

there's a lot of things he could be talking about. i posted a picture the other day of molly and i at the knights game. he's on that team. maybe that's what he means.

Not-Hannah369: u mean the ones at the game?

Danny513: lmfao r u for real?

i am.

Not-Hannah369: can u just tell me what ur on about

Danny513: ur nudes

i squint at the screen. is he talking to the wrong person?

Not-Hannah369: i dont post nudes.

Danny513: ummmmm but u did

Danny513: and their hot

Danny513: send me more

i frantically click out of the chat and look at my recent uploads. what in hell is he talking about? pictures movie ticket stubs, my friends, my dog.

my boobs.

Not-Hannah369: wtf i didn't post that

Danny513: u did tho

another message pops up.

-panicattheairport: omfg han I saw your post

-panicattheairport: are you ok?

kristen is a good friend of mind. she has to know i wouldn't post something like that. but its on my feed. why is it on my feed? where did it come from?

Not-Hannah369: holy shiz kris thats not my picture. i have no clue where it came from!

-panicattheairport: is it even u? like your boobs aren't that big...

i take a second out of my panic to be offended.

Not-Hannah369: says the friggin A cup

-panicattheairport: that's not the point. this is serious han. you could get in real trouble for this.

dan is back.

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