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(Y/n) woke up clutching the toy Puffin to her chest, the events of yesterday burned into her mind.
Diana Rossa was dead.
"Why do people around me keep dying?!"
A knock was heard from the front door, the Scandinavian girl went to open the door.

She was greeted By Lovino Vargas, "I heard what-a happened ragazza. Are you ok-"
Lovino was cut off by (y/n) throwing her arms around him, The Italian was surprised by the sudden action.
"They're dead because of me Romano! Diana and those men are dead because of me!", (y/n) sobbed into Lovino's chest, "Estland is in the hospital because of me! Everyone around me is getting hurt."
Lovino wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace and patted her back gently.

"(Y/n)! What happened?! Oh Mr. Vargas!!!", Kimberly walked in on the two hugging on the floor of (y/n)'s dorm.
"Don't just-a stand there idiota! (Y/n) is upset, you help-a your friend!", Lovino snapped.
"Romano, Estland is hurt because of me"

Lovino glared a 'don't ask' at Kimberly who was confused about why her friend was calling the teachers that.

A few minutes later (y/n) Calmed down and Lovino left, Kimberly finally decided to ask why her neighbor was referring to the teachers in names different than what was norm.
"(Y/n) why did you call Mr. Vargas 'Romano' and Mr. Von Bock 'Estland'?"
"Kimberly, I cannot tell you.", (y/n) replied with puffy eyes still crying," It was a mistake for me to speak in front of you."

Kimberly wanted to see her friend smile again as she knew that (y/n) would do everything to make her smile.
"(Y/n). Put on your Swedish flag shirt. We're going to the park."
"Why? So more people can be killed?"
"(Y/n) Køhler, I don't know why this is happening but I sure as hell won't let you destroy yourself in any way. We're going to have fun. Let's go!"

(Y/n)'s blood soaked Finnish Flag shirt was pulled off of her and Kimberly pushed her to the bathroom, "now clean up. I'll take care of the bedsheets, you get ready for our excursion."

Kimberly took the blood stained articles and disposed of them.
When she came back she saw her friend ready to go.
The brunette grabbed her (h/c) Haired friend and dragged her away.

~~~~~~~~~~???????'s pov ~~~~~~~~~

My older brother told me to go do something, so I went to the park.
So many Hot women are here today~
But only one is plaguing my thoughts.
I pulled out my phone to look at the picture of her sleeping in my Shirt, she was so beautiful.
I smiled and put my phone away, I'm a bit hungry~
I strolled over to a food vendor And stood behind a pair of girls.
One had brown hair and the other had shiny (h/c) hair.

The one with (h/c) hair was wearing an oversized blue shirt with.....
Oh my.... She's wearing a shirt with my flag print.
The girls bought some food and walked off.
Fuck this, I'm curious now.
I  followed the girls and sure enough it was (y/n) and her friend that I heard about.

I watched the two girls laugh and chat, god my raring is so beautiful.
Käraste got up to throw away their trash, nows my chance!

I walked over to my Käraste and greeted her,

"Hej älskling~"

~~~~~~normal pov~~~~

(Y/n) threw away the trash from the lunch and started walking back to Kimberly when she was stopped by a voice,

"Hej älskling~"

She turned to face who said that and was greeted by the sight of Berwald's doppelganger!
He wore a military coat that was a darker blue than his counterpart's, his hair was a dirty strawberry blond, his blood red eyes sparkled with mischief, and he had his teeth filed down to points.

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