The rule of 10 (Harry Potter/One Direction Fan Fiction)

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A/N: Hey Lauren (hey, and Mary!!! *ahem*) here. There are going to be different POVS and they'll be with the first letter/letters of the person's 1st name. Yup. ~Laurbear out 😆


Chapter 1

The Letter

M's~ POV

"Mary, run outside and get the mail please for the 100th time!" My mom was getting a bit furious.

"Ok, ok!! I'm sorry I got distracted with my guitar! chill out, it's summer for us and the beach is our back yard. Besides, why do you need the mail so badly right now?"

I kissed her forehead and jogged out the door. I love the relaxing nights here. No place like Santa Barbra...for me at least. Mom's not the biggest fan of the beach, probably because it supports procrastination, oh well.

I walk across the street to where the community mailbox is. I wonder if my report card came in yet. I just finished my sophomore year with a home-schooling program. I've been on this program ever since I could remember, we move around a lot. Most kids are still in school, but I'm out until the fall.

I unlock our mailbox and flip through the mail. Bills, bills, bills. Geez, no wonder adults are so high strung. Ah, there's my report card! I bet that's why mom's so prancy. I rip it open praying it'll be decent. My eyes scan the page. A, A, A, A, B-, A, WAIT WHAT. That's stupid, just one grade away from a perfect record. Mom's gonna hurt me. I sigh, close the mailbox and head back towards the house.

I look down and notice I dropped a letter. Weird. I pick it up and notice a fancy stamp. I Wonder who this is from.

"What the hell?" I say out loud. The address says it's from "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I roll my eyes, this must be some kind of prank from those immature brats down the street...

I hope.


L's~ POV

"Fucking ouch!" I yelp as I stub my toe on the corner of the door frame.

"Lauren!!! Language young lady!!" My dad shouts at me.

"I stubbed my toe!!! I think my language was called for that Dad!!!" I shout back at him. My dog Tad, who's a miniature labradoodle, trots over and whines at me to take him out. I sigh and scratch behind his ears, limping out to where his leash was so that I could take him out for a walk. I clip on the leash and start to walk outside, immediately starting to sweat from the dreaded San Diego humidity. Thankfully it's Saturday, so I don't have to go to school today.

My dog scampers next to me, his tongue lolling out because he's hot. I stop at the mailbox and open it, pulling out the mail. "Let's see. Bills, bills, credit ads, more ads. Oh what's this?" I mutter to myself. I look at the fancy envelope that says Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on it and it's addressed to me. I walk back inside, feeling confused. "Hey Mom, Dad, what's Hogwart's School for Witchcraft and Wizardry?" I ask without looking up from the fancy envelope. I hear a breaking of glass and look up quickly to see that my mom had dropped a glass cup and it had shattered on the floor with about a million glass shards lying on the tiled floor.

"What?" She says with an unknown expression on her face.



"Shut up...ugh...shut up....SHUT UP!" I groan into my pillow slamming my alarm off. The thing's faulty and I don't like my sleep being disturbed. Just 5 more minutes, 10 tops. Beauty sleep is a real thing, ya know?

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