Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in 2021...

"Kids, we're home!" Harry called into the house as he opened the door. "Kids?" Silence met him. "Hello?" Maybe they were playing a joke. "Teddy?" They were hiding here somewhere. "Victoire?" They wouldn't have just left. "Anyone?" The house was completely deserted. "Ginny is gonna kill me."

"WHAT!" Ginny shrieked.

"The kids aren't at the house. I looked everywhere. They're all gone! Like magic…"

"This is no time for jokes, Harry! We have to find them!"

"Okay, okay! Don't kill me!"

"I'm going to floo the rest of the family. You keep looking."


Minutes later the rest of the family came in. Fleur was shouting a million things in French to Bill, who just looked confused.

"Have you found them yet?" Hermione asked in a worried voice.

"No. I've checked everywhere. They're just… gone."

"They can't have gone too far. I mean, how long were you gone? Two hours? That doesn't equal a lot of distance…" reasoned George.

"What if they took the knight bus? That could equal to a lot of distance! They could be anywhere…" Percy trailed off as George was giving him a look that said 'shut up!' Angelina was starting to whimper at the thought of Fred and Roxanne being anywhere in England, anywhere in Europe, for that matter. Percy didn't get it. His two daughters were safe at home.

"Maybe they went to the shop," Ron piped in. "I'll go check." He flooed over to WWW, and Hermione followed them. Bill, Fleur, and a sulking Dominique left to check the beach by their house. Percy and Audrey went to Burrow. Ginny and Angelina went to check with the knight bus.

"Well, what should we do?" George asked Harry.

"I was planning on checking in with the ministry. You know, see if a bunch of kids showed up somewhere they shouldn't be. Why don't you search the house one more time? See if they're here," Harry suggested, before apparating to the ministry.

"Fine, leave George with the boring job! See if I care!" George yelled to the spot that had been previously occupied by Harry.

Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione had arrived at WWW, only to find it untouched.

"Well, I doubt they've been here," Ron mused.

"What makes you say that?" Hermione responded.

"Well, we have this new product called Hocus Pocus – Purple Hair, it's this powder that turns people's hair purple, and you can change it back by saying Hocus Pocus and waving your wand. The display doesn't look like it's been touched, and I know that a bunch of them would've grabbed one if they'd been here. Hey – wait a sec! There's one missing! Someone's been here!"

Bill and Fleur ran into the house, and almost missed the note that was sitting on the kitchen table.

Mum and Dad-

Dom said she'd tell you, but in case she didn't, Victoire and I are at James'.


"I can't believe I missed doing whatever they're doing! I would've gone with him if I had known that everyone was going to be there! I want to go on an adventure with them too!" Fleur sent Dominique to her room.

Percy and Audrey dusted themselves off from the soot of the fireplace as Mrs. Weasley came over.

"Hello! Is something wrong?" she asked seeing the serious expressions on their faces.

"The kids are missing."

"But I have Molly and Lucy right in the kitchen…"

"No, the rest of them, minus Dominique. They aren't here are they?"

"No I'm afraid not."

Audrey began to cry into Percy's shoulder. "Have any of them been curious of any specific thing lately?" Percy asked, trying to get any lead he could.

"Well, James was asking me what a time turner was, but I told him to go ask his Granddad, because I'm not too knowledgeable about things like that. I think Arthur told him."

Percy groaned. Great. A time turner.

All Angelina and Ginny found out from the knight bus was that Louis, Fred, Roxanne, Teddy, Victoire, Rose and Hugo had gone to see the Potters at some point, and hadn't traveled on the bus after that.

Harry went straight to the minister of magic, Kingsley, when he got there.

"What can I do for you Harry?" Kingsley greeted him warmly.

"The kids have gone missing. Do you have any news on them? Any magic used in our house?" Harry questioned.

Kingsley shuffled through some papers. "Well, James did use some underage magic earlier today, but other than that, I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

George was still grumbling about being left the boring job as he opened the door to Harry's office, to find orange smoke swirling around the room. "Okay, this isn't normal. Seriously, did they even think to check in here?"

He made his way through the fog to the center of the room, where he found a pile of sand with some broker glass mixed in with it. "What's this?" he asked to no one in particular; as he reached down to pick it up.

But no sooner had he touched it then he disappeared.

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