Chapter 5

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It was Foofy! I instantly snatched the cat up and hugged him, "God I was worried, I never thought I'd say that, but I was, I was scared I lost you too!" I said, and he hissed at me, so I set him down in fear of being scratched, Foofy walked back outside and meowed loudly, so I looked back outside, Foofy was sitting between two dolls that... they look like Ted and Chris, well Chris when he had black hair, I looked at Foofy, "where did you find these?" I asked picking them up, the doll that looked like Ted was grinning, and the doll that looked like Chris, looked scared? I looked back at Foofy, to see he had something in his mouth, I took it from him, and looked at the stiff square in my hand, it was a picture of Ted and Chris, they looked happy. I took the picture, and the dolls to my room, Foofy followed me, I set the dolls on my desk, and went back downstairs for a juice box like before, while I as down there, I fed Foofy, walked into the living room and laid on the couch watching TV. After a while I heard shuffling from upstairs, I slowly sat up, and called for Foofy, who ran to me from the kitchen. I perked up, 'Someones in the house' I thought, I hopped up, grabbed a baseball bat, and slowly crept up the stairs, when I got to my room I slowly pushed the door open with the end of my bat, I ran in my room and looked around quickly, ready to hit the next thing to move, 'no one' I thought and put the bat down, before checking if anything was missing. After a few minutes I realized something was missing.... it was the dolls! The picture was there but the dolls were gone, "I swear they were right here!" I said out loud. Foofy meowed loudly, and I followed the sound to the closet were, to both my shock and surprise, the two dolls were there, Chris was, cowering in a corner? hold on a second, who put them here, and more importantly who left a knife in my room? I instantly grabbed the knife and the two dolls, I put the dolls on my desk again , and took the knife downstairs. Foofy followed me, but would look back towards my room every few seconds. I went back to the couch to wait for Mom to get back from the store but ended up dozing off.

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