chapter 1

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Percy pov

It's been 2 years since the end of the Giant wars, and I still mourned the deaths of my friends and Annabeth's. After the war, once the gods and goddesses regained their power, Zues granted me the title of Champion of Olympus. With it came a blessing from each God and goddess. Zues granted me mastery over air, my father gifted me with the ability to shape shift, Hades granted me mastery over shadows as well as safe passage through the underworld 'to visit Nico' he mind spoke to me, Dionysus although grudgingly granted me a rather unusual blessing that I'll mention when it becomes relevant. Ares granted me the blessing of weaponry, Hera granted me the blessing to have a successful marriage, Hermes actually gave me two the blessing of thieves and the blessing of languages. Apollo granted me the ability of healing, Artemis like Hermes granted me 2, she granted me the blessing of the forests and hunting, Hephaestus granted me the blessing of the forge, Athena granted me the blessing of wisdom. However, 2 goddesses not expected blessed me... Hestia gave me the blessing of fire, and Hecate gifted me mastery over the mist.

One month of the 2 years, the gods leave me in piece to mourn my friends at their monument shrouded by the mist in a graveyard near Manhattan. Which is where I am now when I felt a presence behind me. "What do you want?" I asked.

"My name is Natasha Romanov, and I have been sent to detain and bring you to the director of

S.H.I.E.L.D." She said

I let out a laugh devoid of emotions,"Even if you are cloaked in a stench of death, lies and secrets. I have faced much more fearsome foes than a common assassin. I would advise against this so turn around and forget you saw me."

She gave off the scent akin to offense,"Orders are orders." she said.

Again I let out an emotionless laugh and turned to glare at her,"If your planning on using your 7 sets of hidden knives or pistol, you'll regret it."

I herd yelling from a device and saw the ear piece,"Natasha I told you no weapons, Perseus is no warrior a mortal can deal with, I'll be right there."

I glared deep into her eyes till her whole body shook,"Looks like you invited another guest, and I without my suit."

I took out κρίση (judgement as I've taken to calling it.) Just as a blonde man came flying to us, at first I thought it was uncle Zues, but then I saw he wielded a hammer not a lightning bolt.

"Perseus Jackson?" He asked.

I flinched,"I prefer Percy."

He nodded,"Percy, my name is Thor Odenson and-" I cut him off,"Before you continue, why is a god working for a mortal government, I don't mean to sound harsh. However, you aren't like the ones I know."

"Yes I am the Asgardian God of thunder. As to why I am among them is our common interest in protecting Midgard or earth as you call it."Thor said.

"Well I guess that clears things up for now,"I sheathed κρίση,"now I'm guessing you are partners."I say and gesture to Natasha, that now stood to my side and analyzing a way to take me down. Like Annabeth did when we had sparred together.

"Nay, however I had informed her that she should let me talk to you and when she didn't listen I told her to not bring any weapons that she should speak with out any items that she could use to offend you." Thor answered.

"That's all well and good, but as I asked her, why should I go with her?" I asked.

"I know you are tired of war and that you have sacrificed much, and I would like to extend a plea to a warrior of your caliber and experience to help protect those who can't protect themselves from threats that could wipe them out or enslave them without batting an eyelash." Thor pleaded.

I was about to answer when a I sensed a powerful aura and quickly I shielded Natasha's eyes as a blinding flash lit up the cemetery.

Natasha had whipped out a knife and plunged it at my arm, but it shattered as it made contact, "Don't look till I say,"I tell her,"one glance is all it takes to turn into a smoldering pile of ash."

The light died and 3 old women stood where nothing had been before. I removed my hand from Natasha's eyes and bowed then said,"Lady Fates."

"Rise Champion of Olympus, our father (Chaos) has gifted you and so we shall gift you with knowledge. Olympus will enter a time of peace for a long while. As such we tell you to go with the Asgardian not just to help, but to mend that which is broken inside you. Only then can your true power manifest." They said as one.

"As you wish." I reply less than pleased.

They nodded, and my hand flashed up and shielded Natasha's eyes again.

when the light died I lowered my hand and turned to Natasha and Thor, "Looks like my choice was made for me." I said bitterly.

Thor and Natasha shared a look,"He gets an order from three old ladies and he agrees like that!?" Natasha said incredulously.

"Be careful what you say," I tell her," for your ending is entirely up to them. Just as mine and the lives of others are held within their basket of yarn."

Sorry for the wait, was short on Wi-Fi, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and sorry if it's to short.

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