creative writing quick read

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        Creative writing piece

My name is Crystal Hovelle and I am a majestic being, that humans believe as their saviours. I have two feathered wings attached to my back, as white as snow and as soft as silk. That's right I’m an angel. The gods creation.

I wake up at 2am with a start, the alarm bleeding in my ear, my feathered wings below me shaking in anticipation excited for the day ahead. I step out of bed not aware of the storm brewing outside from the lords rage, I feel something that I have never felt before and coil in fear, Angels are not supposed to feel the cold of the night and warmth of the day. We feel nothing. We have no heart. We are not supposed to fear or feel happiness. We are made by his loyalness to be soldiers.

I step outside dressed in jeans and a jumper feeling the wool's softness touch my arm keeping me warm. A speck of white melting ice touches my nose and i look up in wonder as white snow flakes fall in the sky covering the ground in a white blanket. I hear feet stepping into the snow sloshing it into brown water. I slowly turn around and look up straight into eyes that are so like mine. I step back in shock a cheeky grin slowly emerging on my brothers face.

Cameron steps forward and gives me a tight hug. He snickers saying i haven't grown an inch, my brother is at least a head taller than me and has always got a mischievous grin on his face. His grin impresses me like he has no idea what is going on but suddenly his face turns into a frown upsetting my thoughts. He says 5 words chilling me to “ soon everything will be gone “ I step back shocked taken aback by his words trying to think what is going on, then he says “ we should better get inside where it is warm”.

As soon as we sit down I question what is going on. All he says is “war has started”. I laugh and say “ What nonsense have you made up now brother? We will never have war!” My brother looks on amused by my outburst and a glimmer of our close upbringing flickers between us unspoken. I grow serious as I question if it is really true and he answers “yes it is” I gasp shocked as I slowly think about my response to Cameron's answer and know what I say will be a yes “Do we fight, my brother?” “Yes and No sister” I am confused with his answer as if he sees the look in my eyes he explains “I have come with a message from our creator, he wants us to get something back from which has been stolen by Lucifer's { Dark afterlife king } minions” “What has been stolen cam?” “ The King's crown! That is what we must get”

Me and my brother start packing for this absurd trip straight away both lost deep in our own thoughts, I ask a question which should have already been answered without being asked “what happens when we get the Crown back Cameron?” “well sister isn’t it obvious the war will finish immediately, I thought that would have been really clear to you?” “Yes, my brother, I guess it is”.

We step inside the shimmering portal that leads to the devils lair. We step inside cautiously taking in our surroundings remembering where we have entered so so we can get back out, we both know where we must head towards, The castle which is positioned near the main city, we start to sprint straight away, both of us enthusiastic to finish this mission as fast as possible.
I fall over puffing and look up and look up at the castle looming over us and slowly peer over at my brother to see his reaction to this concrete beast of a building, he steps up and courageously walks forward without tripping. I watch him carefully as he stops of the double doors and pushes them open with a strength I never knew he had, he looks around at me and says “get up you fools, We don’t have all day!” I scramble up in a hurry and race after him as he walks as fast as a snail straight into your worst nightmare, I step inside the well lit hallway and look slowly to my left as if i sense something there I gaze in wonder as if it was a fantasy dream, I couldn’t believe it was going to this easy! It was the crown!

I step inside the room but I wonder ‘ why would they leave it unguarded? ‘ as I start to turn around silver steel barriers crash to the ground surrounding me in a cage enclosing myself with the crown I slowly step forward cautiously to grab the crown but a red eyed demon appears in my path. He laughs and says with a smirk “ Are you trying to steal from the guardian, little girl “ I draw my swords and they ignite with my powerful rare blue flame, he steps back, unprepared by my courageousness he snarls and growls in the back of his throat but he knows I have seen his fear. I call my wings and jump up with grace and slash off his head with a strength I never knew I had, I race towards the crown, putting it inside my satchel and turn around to see my brother melting the bars. Cameron grabs my hand and we teleport straight to the lord's castle.

We run straight to the King’s throneroom to find him setting up the soldiers battle gear. My brother steps forward and booms “ no need, my lord, we have the crown! The king appears  in a flash in front of  my brother and I, putting out his hands for the crown to be placed in, I put the crown slowly into his outstretched hands, then he places it on top of his head, he motions for us to leave, as we walk away through the foyer, we hear him call out “ war has ended “ and I sink in relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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