Chapter 8

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"Wake uppppppp!" Shawn whined in my ear. I had slept in Kristen's room last night and she slept in the living room. Shawn was laying next to me sprawled out on the bed.

"Ugghhhhhhhhhhh!" I replied.

"I want to do something!!"

"It's too early!"

"It's 12:34 in the afternoon!"

"I hate you, Shawn." I glared at him.

"I love you too, Steph!" he kissed my cheek then hopped off the bed and left the room.

I forced my self to get up and get dressed. I walked to my room to get changed. I changed into my Chicago Bulls t-shirt and threw on my jean shorts. I wore my red vans and curled my hair.

I walked out to the living room where Lauren and Shawn were sitting.

"Shawn lets goooo!"

"Go where?"

"Somewhere." I smirked. Lauren glared at me.

"Ok." Shawn jumped up from the couch and joined my side. I walked out the front door and Shawn followed.

"But seriously where are we going?"

"I dunno! We're just gonna see where we end up I guess." I skipped down the side walk.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Because I'm out of that house!" I yelled. "Let me get on your back like when we were younger!" Shawn stopped walking and I hopped onto his back. We continued walking. Every step he took shot energy through me. I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"Do you remember when we used to go to the dollar store and just buy as much candy as we had money for?"

"Yeah." I chuckled. "Those were the good days..."

"We should go to the beach." Shawn let me off his back and I stood next to him.

"Ok!!" I ran down the sidewalk to the beach, Shawn close behind. Shawn stopped running and looked at his phone.

"Shhhaaaawwwwwnnnnnn!" I whined "Your phone can wait! We need to build a sand castle!"

"Hold on." he started typing.

"Who is it?"

"Lauren, she wants to know where I am."

"Ughhhhh! That little ass munch!" I kicked the sand and sat down.

"I'm sorry." he apologized as he made his way to where I was sitting.

"You only have a week left here and we still haven't done anything."

"Tomorrow I promise, but I have to go talk to Lauren. She needs to talk to me, it's urgent apparently. I'll see you back at the house."


Shawn left the beach and it was just me and the ocean. A tear fell down my face. I wasn't sure why I was crying, but I felt hurt. I just stared at the ocean.

I stood up and made my way to the house.

**Shawn's POV**

I felt bad leaving Steph at the beach, but Lauren needed me. I walked in the front door and Lauren was sitting on the couch with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Do you still like me or should I leave!" Lauren screamed at me.

"What are you talking about!?"

"I know you like Steph more then a friend." she sobbed.

I'd actually been thinking about that and I think Lauren just confirmed it. I didn't want to admit to myself, but I was in love with my best friend, Stephanie.

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