The Arrival

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Anxiety woke up slowly, confused. Then he remembered, they were getting a new aspect today, a few weeks after Thomas turned 26.


Anxiety pov

I just woke up and remembered that the new aspect was arriving today, we don't know what he will be, though the others are hoping for a good aspect. I personally don't care. Or I say.


I hurry to the common room for his arrival, to see the other aspects; Logic, Morality, and, with a swoop in my stomach, Prince. I also see the kids, quirks as we call them, running around. There's Pranks, Misleading Compliments, Storytime, and Imaj.

We're all nervous about the arrival, there hasn't been one in a few years.

Prince said, "I wonder what he'll look like."
morality replies, "I wonder what he'll do."
Logic stood there solemnly.

We heard a noise and turned to see a chair materializing. It was pink and covered in hearts. They heard a cough behind them. It was a girl, all in pink and red. Her waist-length hair was chocolate and so were her eyes. She took his breath away. It was obvious to all, this girl was Love.

Prince POV

It's the day the new aspect arrives, I remember when I awaken. I dress and rush to the kitchen to eat before Thomas wakes.
After eating I head to the common. Thomas hasn't gotten up so I relax and play on my phone. A few minutes later, Thomas'salarm goes off and I start my job.


Anxiety walks into the room and completes the set. When I see him, I feel a tingle in my stomach. I assume it's nerves about the new aspect. We make eye contact and I look away quickly. A rumbling ensues and I look up in time to see a chair, covered in pink and red hearts, materialize.
We stare until someone coughs behind me. I jump and see a girl. Waist-lenght chocolate hair that matches her wide eyes, wearing pink and red. My words fail me as I look at this beauty. To my dismay, she approaches Anxiety first and introduces herself. She says, "Hi, my name is Love."

Love's pov

Somethings wrong. They just stare at me until I realize I haven't spoken.
"Hi, my name is Love." I'm not going to tell them my real name, the one that I thought when I formed. I walk up to the farthest aspect and ask his name.
"I'm Anxiety, nice to not be the youngest now." He smirks. I smiled; that humor will not get old anytime soon. The next is a man with a blue shirt and grey cardigan. He bounced and says, "I'm Dad." Then a Prince in white, gold, and red. "I'm Prince." Surprising. Last is an expressionless man in a black shirt and tie. "I'm Logic. I presume that you want to meet Thomas." First, us," a kid says, "I'm Pranks" "Storytime" "Imaj" "Misleading Compliments, call me Missy."
Logic says, "That's everyone, find your room, relax and come back in an hour to meet Thomas.
I feel someone grab my arm and look up. It's Anxiety. He says he'll take me to my room. I feel better already. As we walk, I study him. He looks like he hasn't slept in weeks, and considering that he's Anxiety, he probably hasn't.
We reach a pink door. I think it's mine. "My door is down further if you need me. It's black, surprisingly." I laugh and he blushes. He continues walking as I open my door. I gasp, it's perfect.
It has a sunken bed with pink sheets and heart pillows, a collage of what I assume are all of Thomas's Valentine's cards, a tv in a redwood dresser, a white vanity, and two doors leading to a bathroom and a kitchen.


He comes back an hour later as I pull my hair into a ponytail. I let him in and he asks, "Are you ready?" "Yes," I said, slipping my shoes on, "let's go."
We went to the common and when Morality and Logic see us, they sink down. I look at the giant screen and see them appear next to Prince. He was talking to Thomas about movie night. Anxiety asks me, "Ready?" "Yes." He grabs my hand and we sink down into a kitchen. In the other room we hear Morality say, "We want to introduce you to someone." "Who?" Thomas asks. "Your new aspect. The one who arrived today." Logic says. I walk into the living room and say, "Me. I'm Love."

Author's Note

I wrote a lot of it during standardized tests. The picture is of the paper. (They gave us scratch paper for English tests)

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