Hi, I'm Love.

259 16 10

Shoutout to BBCanimefangirl for the self-esteem boost as the first vote I ever received. Thank you!


Thomas POV

I wake up happy. Anxiety must not be awake yet. I get up and dress. Before going downstairs I grab my phone and check Tumblr.

I was overwhelmed with a feeling of love as I walk downstairs. Downstairs I sing while I make breakfast. I hum as I eat, too. Prince pops up, startling me.

"Jeez, Prince." I say, my heart racing. "Sorry." he replies.

We chat about Disney and tonight's movie night when Morality and Logic appear, Morality looking excited. Well, more than usual. Morality said, "We want to introduce you to someone."


"Your new aspect. The one who arrived today." Logic says.

"Me," a girl says, stepping out from the kitchen with Anxiety, "I'm Love." She walks over to shake my hand. Her hand is delicate, soft, and cold. I say, "I'm Thomas." "I know."she replies. She glides back across the room to him and looks at me for a moment before whispering into Anxiety's ear. He grabs her hand and they sink down.

Anxiety's POV

Back in the mind, we go to the kitchen for a snack. I give her her first food, mac and cheese. She takes a bite and smiles. "Did you like it?" I ask. She smiles, "Yes."

"Do you like Disney?"

"I've never heard of it."

"We should watch some."

We finish eating and grab popcorn. I take her down a long hall to a door. I open it to reveal a closet. Love looks confused. I grab the back shelf and pull, opening a hidden door to my room. She gasps and smiles. I walk into my room and smirk at her gasp. My room is a dome, with a galaxy bed, stars that are holes in the wall and glow stars (the ones shaped like stars that you put on your ceiling), a black desk, a TV on a black dresser, a black bookshelf with movies and books, and on the ceiling a painting of a black hole. She stares at it and I say, "I painted it." "It's beautiful." I turn off my lamp and turn on a different light. It lights up the whole room because the holes have LED lights in them that make the room glow.

I pick Snow White for her first Disney movie and sit on my bed with her.


When the movie ends she asks, "Why is your room disguised?" I answer, "So nobody finds it." Love smiles, "Am I the first to see your room?" "Yes. Don't tell them where it is." "I won't." I smile as I put Toy Story on.


Halfway through, Love falls asleep on my shoulder. I smile and continue watching the movie. She wakes up at the end and pouts, "Aww, I missed it" "You shouldn't have fallen asleep." I get punched in the shoulder. "Come on, it's almost dinner." I say before grabbing her hand and teleporting us to the kitchen. Morality, Prince and Logic are at the table but without food. They don't notice us as they talk about Love's disappearance. She clears her throat and they look up. "Love! We were worried" "Thank goodness." "Where were you?" mingle together as they reach my ears. They hug her and while they don't notice me, I step backwards into the hall before being stopped by Love. She grabs me before I leave and says, "I was watching Disney movies with Anxiety in his room."

They look at me. "His room?" Logic asks. I decide to be sarcastic. "Where did you think I go at night, the moon?" I snap. "Sorry, we've never encountered your room before." Dad mumbles. "There's a reason for that." I mumble. "What?" Dad asks. "Nothing." "What's for dinner," Love whines, "I'm hungry." "Hi hungry, I'm Dad." Dad laughs. She chuckles. "We're eating with Thomas."Prince says to Love, "Movie night is tonight and the theme is Pokemon or animal onesies." She grins and pulls me out of the room. "Meet back here in thirty minutes." Logic calls.


I need a Pokemon or animal that Anxiety would dress as.

Also, thanks for making my day, I woke up with 25 views and 4 votes. I didn't think anybody would look at this.

Fluff coming soon. <3

I also need some ideas because I can't sometimes.

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