Hotel problems

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One month later, after having all their belongings shipped to the house in Nebraska, all they had to do was drive there. They walked their final steps out of the current house, and on to the deck to admire the house for the last time. Adam hugged Tommy, ‘’You think anyone will move into it one day?’’ Tommy asked, Adam looked up at his bedroom window in silence, ‘’some day…’’ he said to Tommy, Tommy gave Adam a kiss on the cheek and turned around to look at the car. ‘’Come on, we should go. We have a long drive a head of us.’’ Adam said. Tommy nodded and as they got into Adam’s car, it started to rain. Tommy looked out the window at the house, he was going to miss it. After all, it was the home had after running away from home, with out no one knowing but Sawyer, who tried to get him back only to kill him. And his mom, well, her ‘’Business’’ trips were really a get away with another man. And Tommy didn’t even know it, his mom never texted him, or called him once to check up on him or anything. She was busy getting wasted with another man. But even if Tommy knew, he wouldn’t care…...

Soon Tommy passed out in the passenger seat, and Adam drove into darkness. After twelve hours of driving, Adam pulled into a parking lot of a Random, but decent hotel. He stopped the car, and looked at Tommy who was still asleep. ‘’Tommy,’’ Adam said and tapped Tommy’s shoulder, ‘’Tommy.’’ Adam tried to wake him, he turned on the lights in the car. Tommy growled, ‘’Tommy wake up, I need to sleep.’’ Adam whined. Tommy woke up, ‘’Where are we?’’ He asked Adam, ‘’Illinois’’ he told him. Tommy looked out the window and spazed. ‘’Adam, you know how I feel about hotels…’’ Tommy said freaking out.  Adam sighed, ‘’Tommy PLEEASSEEEE, You haven’t been driving for twelve hours!’’ he begged. ‘’Sure, YOUU can go in there. I can sleep in the car, im not going in there.’’ Tommy told him. ‘’I am not leaving you in a fucking parking lot all night long in this car! What if you get stole or something!’’ Adam stammered. ‘’I’m not a child! And I’m NOT going in there. Period.’’ Said Tommy, Adam was about 3000% done with this right now, he was tired and didn’t need Tommy’s sass.  ‘’Fine! Freeze to death. Don’t come running after me either once I’m gone.’’ Adam said getting out of the car and to the back seat to get one of his bags. Tommy rolled his eyes, ‘’I’ll see you in the morning. Okay?’’ Adam said before shutting the car door. ‘’Fine.’’ Tommy rolled his eyes. Leaned in to kiss him, but Tommy denied it. Adam gave him a raw look and slammed the car door shut. He walked alone into the hotel and up to the front desk to find an old man sitting.  He got his room key, and went into the elevator. He leaned against the wall, yawning and worrying about Tommy.  Eventually he made it to his room, and passed out in the bed immediately .

Tommy couldn’t sleep, and he felt bad for being a bitch to Adam, and he was scared to be all alone in a place he had never been before. Especially in a parking lot, at three in the morning,  he sighed and looked up at the bright parking lot light, and then at the high way in the distance with cars still roaring all over it. He wanted Adam, but Adam was really pissed of at him so he was afraid to try and find him again.  ‘’Come on Tommy,’’ he thought to him self and grabbed one of Adam’s jackets to put on and left the car running to the hotel entrance.  The old man was still at the font desk, what was he supposed to tell him? He panicked once the old man asked him if he needed help. ‘’Um, a guy came here earlier, he’s my f-f-f-‘’ Tommy wanted to say friend but the word father slipped out faster than friend.  ‘’Father, and I need to talk to him, do you mind telling me what room he’s in?’’ He tried to explain, the old man looked at Tommy in confusion. ‘’Um, name please? Of your father…’’ he asked Tommy, ‘’Adam lambert.’’ – ‘’Room 120, second floor. I’m afraid I cant give you a room key.’’ He told Tommy, ‘’Why?! I’ll pay you for it!’’ he exclaimed, ‘’How much?’’ the old man smiled, ‘’Ugh, I only have a twenty.’’ Tommy pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket. ‘’Deal,.’’ He took the dollar bill and slid Tommy a room key. Tommy ran to the stairs because he was scared of elevators and ran down the dim lighted hall to try and find room 120, once he did he slid the plastic credit card like card into the slot near the door handle, and it opened. The room was pitch black, and he couldn’t see anything. ‘’Adam?’’ he whispered, Adam never responded. He took out his phone and used the it as a flash light, he saw Adam sleep in bed. He looked around the room too. Sense he didn’t want to wake Adam, he decided to sleep on the spare couch in the room near the window where the A/C cranked all night long. Tommy sighed of relief happy to just be with Adam again, and not alone in the car. Sleeping was hard, while fighting the cold of the A/C but he managed to do it….. ( TO BE CONTINUED) 

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