Withered Soul.

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His soul wept,
no more tears left,
His wounded soul became a tragedy;
That the world halted and stared in awe
dragging down every bit in a row,

He believed her
even for the lies she made
he embraced them in truth
plus the perfection she could put them
and he complimented them with obedience
that when the truth screamed at him to open his eyes,
He remained blind in cages of trust.
and now
...a withered soul

He laughed at them,
them who he saw were full of jelousy
jelousy of what he called them cheap
cheap of what couldnt be bought by him,
him that is now left breathless,
breathless recalling he couldnt breathe without her
and now...
a withered soul.

The Love he gave her,
were like living chronicles;
gently written in his heart,
recalled everytime by his mind
but hers stuck,
covering it like prime news;
many story lines,different events
and now he is left with...
a withered soul

Time we failed the soul,
withered it like a shoe sole
giving shots in relationships with our all
and when they end with a foul
our souls..will be like a denied phone call
and now left with....
a withered soul

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