Once upon a desert

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          The sun glistening on the Persian Gulf was one of the most beautiful sights Megan Ryder had ever seen, filling all her dreams, sighing wistfully.  She still couldn't believe she was here, against her parents' wishes.

       How could she give up a chance to visit such an exotic place as the Middle East? Being surrounded by crystal clear blue waters, azure skies, and orange blazing desert. One mustn't forget staying in the only 7-star hotel in the world, Burj Al-Arab that was all glitz, gold, and glamour, on its own man-made island.

           "Ready to leave, Megan?"  A soft voice enquired.

        In high spirits, Megan spun around smiling brightly, crossing over to her employer, Vivian Lee Monroe, whom she called the Duchess. She looked so regal, always draped in jewellery, and only ever wore designer clothes.

          Vivian was once married to a Duke, however, lost the title, when she remarried for a third time. An older, still stunning lady, hair as black as midnight, usually in a bun, with a Raquel Welch figure. They had become close in a very short time. "I need to add to my gold collection."

         Ah, yes, the world-famous gold souks, Megan smiled to herself, following dutifully behind. They rode the elevator down to the ground floor. Departing the hotel, they were hit by a heat wave, where they were met by their driver and guided to a waiting white Rolls-Royce. Megan lowered into the cool interior and across the luxurious leather seating, Vivian followed behind. As the door closed, they were driven away, along the causeway, which linked the hotel to the mainland.

        Megan pressed up against the window as they drove down the main strip, still amazed she was here. The tall magnificent buildings, hotels, and paved roads there was nothing over fifty years old. A modern city sprouting out of the desert. It was hard to believe with all the surrounding greenery, this once was a barren desert with a creek running through that they crossed to get to Deira, where the Gold souk was located, undercover.

        She gasped as an open truck drove by with three kneeling camels in the back. A sight, not to be seen the likes of, in Australia. Like all the white-robed, head-dressed men, walking the streets. Women dressed head to toe in black, with only slits for their eyes to keep their womanly figures from prying eyes. Always escorted by a member of their families, usually male. So unlike her brightly coloured three-quarter sleeved loose dress that went well below her knees.

        Arriving at the gold souk, they were shown around by one of the hotel guides, taking them to the most respected gold shops, which dazzled, taking Megan's breath away. The gold was purer than Australia's. A striking colour of yellow.     

       Ranging from simple single chains to exquisite hand-designed pieces fit for royalty, movie stars, the super-rich, not the likes of her, trailing behind Vivian as she examined pieces of interest. Vivian finally settled on a small fortune in gold, adding a small, delicate gold chain for Megan, much to her shock, having all her protests waved aside. They were escorted back to their car, which was a welcome relief after the morning's heat, and headed back to the hotel.

        Not going back to their suite, they saw that the new purchases were locked away in the hotel safe, and then went to lunch. Enjoying a contemporary European meal, in the Al Muntaha restaurant, on the 27th floor. They had the most breathtaking views consisting of Jumeirah Beach, Palm and World Islands. They were lucky enough to have window seats.

        Megan couldn't believe she was here, and seeing all of this. Eating the most inviting cuisine in the world. She looked across to the elegant lady at her side who took it all in her stride and couldn't help admiring her. Wishing she was more like her, and acknowledged by so many. Never in her life did she expect this when she applied for a job as her assistant. 

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