Chapter 5

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I could feel a slight blush creep to my face as I quickly got up and backed against a wall. "I-I-I...I soo sorry I- are you alright did-d I hurt you-u!" I stuttered out nervously in embarrassment. " It's alright don't stress about it," he said with 'that' smile before walking to the kitchen.

A breath I've been holding in for awhile finally left my lungs to refill in small breaths. 'Why Did I Have To Fall Now,' I asked myself looking out my door to a mirror that showed the angel making food. Every movement he made seemed perfect, everything he did was perfect.

What am I thinking he can't like me, he probably doesn't even have feelings for me. He probably has a family and pretty wife who's scared about him. Thoughts of these and scenarios of him with another made my stomach churn in a sickening way.

Whatever happens, happens...That's just life.

My eyes wander back to the kitchen.

Every time I would look away I would somehow find my self-wanting to hug him again...maybe even ki- "Lunch is ready" he said loudly. " I'll be there in a bit," I called back trying to find the strength to stand up without wobbling around.

After a few minutes of almost falling, gravity back on my side before leaving the room. I made my way to the kitchen to a golden grilled cheese sandwich on a plate beside him. His head turns to me with a smile. "Hey, is it alright if we together?" he asked nervously.

My lips curved into a small smile as I replied with a 'sure.' His nervous look turned to relief. My stomach was flipping every whereas my heart raced. I knew one thing was for sure...I don't just have feelings for him.

We both made our way to the table in the 'dining room' with small talk. "I know it's not a five-star lunch but, its something I guess," he said before taking a bite. I chuckled lightly as I took a bite into my own sandwich.

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