I- Intro

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Dean was nearing his second semester, so he's nearing going back to that hell And having his stress and anxiety make a U-turn and hit him like a fucking Ferrari in a race. It also means going back to seeing his former best friend-now crush hook up and publicly make out with his temporary girlfriend or boyfriend while Dean suffers in silence because he's too damn stubborn to make a move or come out as whatever the hell he is.

That's also why he didn't come out, he doesn't know what he is. He likes girls and boys, but can only get it up for boys. It's embarrassing how many times he tried to go down on a girl and instead think about Ryan Reynolds over him. Or when he's in a heated session and accidentally slips too much into his fantasy and end up going flaccid when he hears the moans of the girl he's doing.

But he never regretted the janitor closet tours he and his past secret boyfriend had. He was probably the reason found out only boys get him moaning and girl get him groaning but he still enjoyed going on dates with girls, maybe kissing and cuddling. But in the end, he was only in boys.

He would label himself as bisexual but he also had flings with gender queer and non binary folks. And the last summer he had the exquisite taste of sleeping with a boy who was sadly damned with being in the wrong body. It was confusing. He had the face and torso of a boy, but the genitals of a female. Of course Dean thought no less of him, he wasn't that kind of person. He respected him and idolized his stubbornness against uneducated twats who still misgender him. Back to the original point.

So maybe he was pansexual? He had no idea. He even did research asking the interwebs if it maybe knew what the hell Dean is. He stayed closeted still he was sure. But damn does he wish he'd get it over with and label himself already so he could at least get Fucked by Cas maybe once?

He wanted to snatch Cas from whoever he was oodling over and giving them heaven.

He was confused about his sexuality, but not about how he felt towards Cas. And maybe that's what pushed him to do what he has been planning to do for so long.

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