XXV-Nighttime fun

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The first night with the cousins was normal, They set shop in Cas' room, having Balthazar and Dariel around Cas' bed and Noah beside the dresser. Castiel huffed and puffed about how Lucifer and Gabriel have their rooms to themselves while he's stuck with three guys sleeping in his room.

Of course Michael, ever the optimist, reminded Cas why they were here in the first place; which made Castiel stomp to his room and Bing watch Kitten videos with Dean.

The next day though, the family woke up with the smell of tea and cupcakes in the air, Dean woke up with Castiel kissing him-A very nice awakening. Castiel had apparently been up for three hours, waking up at dawn when Balthazar went to grab a glass of water but ended up faceplanting on Dariel.

The Novaks were Seated everywhere, The British trio were joined with Dean and Castiel. Pancakes, Cupcakes and Tea (from an actually kettle) plotted around the granite countertop. Castiel picked up a cupcake with the word 'Gayest' written in shaky blue and purple lettering.

As soon as Castiel took a bite Balthazar yelled "Told you so, Ha!" And perused a twenty dollar bill from Noah.

"Why didn't you take the one with the dick on it??" Noah asked, pushing forward a dish of cupcakes with dicks sculpted from fondant on them.

"Dean wanted one of those. Plus, they're all chocolate. I like vanilla" Castiel explained, quickly contradicting himself by picking up a dick and placing it on is own bitten cupcake "There. Better" and with that he turned and chimed himself beside Dean, who sat with a cup of lemon tea between his hands.

"Do they do this everyday? Because I can condone moving in with them" Dean asked, a semi-serious expression on. Castiel shrugged and grabbed a cup of raspberry tea, after taking a sip he looked back at Dean who was still looking at Castiel expectantly.

"They do, but you'll get diabetes if you live with them. Look at what they did to Gabriel" Castiel said, pointing at Gabriel who had three cupcakes and two honey drowned pancakes on his plate. And a milkshake.

Eventually Cas and Dean retired to Cas' bedroom, the rest stayed downstairs and started a dance night. Castiel cuddled into his blanket and pulled up his phone to watch some videos, while Dean grabbed the gift Cas had given him. He flipped to the page he left off.

April 3rd, 09

Hey! I have an announcement. I think I like boys. I've heard Huston say it's wrong, but I don't know. I think I have a crush on Jake but he's dating Sara and they seem happy. Anyway, today I found a butterfly and followed it. I found a rock that matched the butterfly and the butterfly landed on it. That was cool.

Also, me and Dean made a new friend. His name is weird, but he says all of our names are to him. He's a foreign exchange student from the middle east, he has a accent that makes him sound like he wears braces. He's very funny and I heard Jane say he's hot.

Also I forgot to mention that his name is Salem, or Selam I don't know how to spell it. Hopefully we get to be best friends and he doesn't feel sad with being away from his house.

That's what happened today, if anything else happens I'll write it in a new page. It's not very likable for anything to happen so see you tomorrow

Dean looked up silently as he tried to remember Salem (or Selam), only a foggy memory of brown haired boy came up. Salem didn't stay too long, only for the first semester but he remembers liking the kid. He was funny and had a lot of jokes buried between his obscene love for history. He glanced at his boyfriend with his head buried in his phone and shrugged off the curiosity, flipping to the next page.

April 4th, 09

Dean looked sad today, He also didn't talk to me. So I bought him his favorite candy and he smiled, so I think it worked. I didn't want to ask him why he was so sad because it doesn't help sometimes. Sam was sick, I asked miss Mary, she told me he'd caught a cold and had a high fever and Dean was just worried.  So I plan to go over their house and bring cookies to brighten their day. I hope that works too.

In other news, I caught a new butterfly. I set it free after. But I still caught it. That's a win in my book. I'm also thinking about going to become a veterinarian. But mother says that I still have a long time to decide. I also really like politics, so maybe I can major in political science.

Anyway, Dad is calling me for dinner and I'm running out of things I can say. See you later!!


This was in the process of writing since the Start of October. Gottdam.

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