Week 6

80 3 44

Kalani Chloe
Maddie Paige Brooke
BrookeJ Briar Elliana Lilly
Melanie Kenzie JoJo Kendall
Nia Brynn Camryn Maesi Alex

"Last week was rough on some of us. But anyways we have two new girls. This is Valisa, Melissa, and Layla. Alex will not be here this week, due to her leg injury."

Group One: Layla, Valisa, Paige, Brooke, Camryn, Maddie, Melanie, Melissa, and Brynn

Group Two: Kalani, Chloe, Nia, JoJo, Kenzie, Maesi, Elliana, Lilly, Kendall, BrookeJ,and Briar

Dawn- Lizzie Borden
Layla- Bond Girl
Valisa- All I want
Melissa - Superstar
Maddie- Swan Solstice

Paige and Brooke- Oh La La

Layla, Melissa, and Val

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