Pilot Episode: The Lottery

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While lying on your bed you stare at the ceiling of your room. Unable to believe that you were here. Unable to believe how out of the thousands of other women who had applied for this chance, you had won. Rolling over you sigh and think back on the events that had led to you lying in this bed, in a foreign country. You close your eyes and think about how you had gotten to this house. The House of Army.


                                           *12 Months Earlier*

You had just shut your locker door when your best friend Jane ran up to you excited. "Y/N! You will never guess what I just heard about!" She yells, unable to contain her excitement. "What is it Jane?" You ask curiously. Though I felt like I knew what she was excited about. There was only one reason she would be this excited, and that was because she had learned something new about her favorite Korean Pop Group, Bangtan Sonyeondan, or BTS for short.

"BigHit Just released that they were going to have a lottery that anyone who meets the qualifications could apply for!" She said quickly, without breathing.

"A lottery for what?" you ask confused.

"A lottery to decide who will get to go and stay with the boys...and the best part is...it's to see which lucky fan gets to date their bias!" she says almost working herself into a frenzy in the middle of the hall. "Calm down," you tell her, putting one hand on her shoulder, "breath with me now. In... and out" after you managed to calm her down enough that she was able to talk without telling the entire school what they were talking about you ask her "I take you're applying?" "Duh!" she replied, rolling her eyes at me exaggeratedly. "I am going to apply for Rap Monster! Are you going to apply? For the chance to date Jimin?" she raises her eyes suggestively and wiggles her eyebrows at me.

You had always been a major fan of Jimin. Ever since you had seen the video of him saying "Excuse me!" with his adorable eye smile, you hadn't been able to stop wondering about him. What he was doing, if he was sleeping or eating properly, and most important of all, you had always wondered what he was really like. Behind the façade, the side of him that he didn't show his fans. "I don't know," you say uncertainly, "I would love to have the chance to meet him, plus he's my bias so I would absolutely die if I got the chance to date him, but you know I have no luck when it comes to lotteries. You're always the one that wins those!"

"You'll never know unless you try! Who knows, this could be your chance!" she said encouragingly. "Apply with me," she said, giving you the puppy dog eyes. You could never resist her puppy dog eyes. "Ugh.. Fine!" you say sighing, "Wait, didn't you say there were qualifications to apply? What are they?"  "Well," she said importantly, "There aren't very many!" Pulling out and unlocking her phone she typed something in, scrolled down a little way and finally read:

The applicant must meet the following guidelines to apply:

1.       Only those applicants born between 1 January 1990 and 31 December 2000 will be considered for this opportunity.

2.       The applicant must submit with the application a copy of a physical so that she may prove that she does not have any terminal illness or disease.

3.       On the application, the woman applying must put down which boy they would like the chance to win the date with.

"That's it! They only have three rules! I looked into it earlier during study hall, and in the press release from BigHit it said that they don't care about race, height, weight or even what country the girl is from, they won't even be the ones seeing the information! They're going to be submitting all the information to a third party, who, after checking that the applicant meets the standards will be putting the applicant's name into a drawing!" "So, you mean it's like the Bachelor, meets the Hunger Games, meets BTS? Sounds fun," you say jokingly.

She laughs and pulls you along to class saying excitedly, "We'll start after school!"

So together you two had scheduled physicals, attached them to the applications, and then sent them off. You had mainly done it to give Jane emotional support. You had known that there was no way that you would be chosen. Only forty-nine girls out of thousands would be chosen. Seven for each boy; beyond that, you didn't know any more details. You hadn't looked into it. Eleven months later you had almost completely forgotten about the fact that you had entered. You hadn't heard anything, and then all of a sudden you got a letter in the mail.

"Congratulations, Ms. <Y/N> you have been selected as a candidate for a chance to date Park Jimin of the band Bangtan Sonyeondan! You find in closed a ticket to Jeju Island, South Korea, where a representative will pick you up and take you to the House of Army where you will be staying with the other girls who have also won the chance to date Park Jimin. Congratulations again on your winning the lottery, and we look forward to seeing you."

                                                               *Present Day*

You hadn't been able to believe your eyes and had quickly called Jane to see if she had gotten a letter for Namjoon, but as you told her about your letter she had gone quiet. You knew her answer without her having to have her say anything. She hadn't gotten chosen. The girl who won every drawing, every game of chance had lost, but you, the one who had the worst luck in the world had won.

When you had gotten to the House on Jeju you had been surprised to learn that the boys had actually been separated into three different houses. Jimin and J-Hope in one house, Rapmonster, Jin, and Suga in one house, and Jungkook and V in the third house. You had also been surprised to learn that Jimin and J-Hope were actually staying in a different section of the house. You suddenly find yourself curious about what was in the rest of the house. You were forbidden from going into the boys' section of the house, but you were free to go anywhere. So getting out of your bed you exit your room and go exploring.

The house was beautiful. You find the kitchen, the bathrooms, and even the living room. You had heard a rumor that there was a dance studio in the house and you wanted to find it. Dancing was one of the things that brought solace in your life, and another thing that made you feel even more love for Jimin. You then notice another door and walk towards it. You open it and are surprised to find a beautifully decorated atrium. One door said, "Boy's dorm", another door said "Gym", and the last door off the large atrium was labelled "Dance Room." You heard music and your curiosity was getting the better of you, so you go the door and open it. To your surprise, you see that there is already somebody in the room. Not just any somebody, but a somebody named Park Jimin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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