The Faceless Man

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So, this is a short one shot. YEET, BOI!
~KF xoxo
There once was a faceless man living with a faceless dog. The dog's name was Spot. The man's name was Josh. One day, Josh was walking his dog and he ran into someone named Tyler. Tyler was the opposite of Josh. He had a kind and welcoming face but had no emotion on the inside. Josh however did. So, being the kind bloke he was, he gave Tyler some of his emotions. Tyler was grateful that Josh was this nice, so in return he gave Josh and Spot some of his face. Josh could finally see how adorable, handsome, and just how. . . perfect Tyler was. Josh gave Tyler his number and went on his way. Tyler felt good that he had helped someone out today, but he also felt hideous with part of his face gone. He was hurting inside for sure.
Josh was walking down the street again on a rainy autumn night when he saw something moving on the sidewalk. It was Tyler. Josh sprinted over to him, forgetting about all the groceries he had just bought. He was paranoid now and asking Tyler what was wrong, if he was hurt, or if he was okay. No response. So Josh picked up the small and fragile Tyler to his house so he didn't catch pneumonia (A/N if you can't pronounce it, it's said like na-moan-ya). Josh was trying to talk to his for a few hours; got him food, drinks, blankets, everything, but Tyler just would not respond. He knew he was alive, just stubborn.
Josh finally gave up for what seemed like days trying to get Tyler to talk to him. So, he just put in a movie, Monsters Inc. Josh sat down again and from the little curled up blanket, a head popped out. This was Tyler's favorite movie ever. He was smiling under the blanket but only his eyes were showing out so he could watch the movie. Josh didn't even notice that Tyler had emerged from his cocoon. Tyler laughed at one part where a baby monster bit Mike Wazowski's finger and his blanket fell off of him. Josh looked down to notice the horror. Tyler had scars, fresh ones and old ones littering his legs. Josh tensed up and Tyler noticed why.
"Please. D-don't hurt me. I'm sorry for being l-loud," said a shaken voiced Tyler.
"Why didn't you call me? You know I would have picked up the phone for you, even at three o'clock I the morning."
Tyler just began to cry, but so did Josh. Josh bent down a button hug Tyler, but Tyler smashed his lips against his own.
"Josh, please. I know you probably don't want to be with me because I look terrible but please. Hive me a chance. I love you. I don't believe in love at first sight but when I saw you. I felt an attraction. I felt like you were the one who would complete me."
Josh let out a loud sigh.
"Tyler, I love you too. But you do understand that people don't think this is normal, right? You would never be able to go back to your old life."
"What old life? I didn't have one. And I know the consequences of being with you, but I'm okay with that."
And with that, the faceless man was finally complete.
This was a short story, it isn't my best but I thought it was cute.
~KF xoxo

"Does Mike Wazowski wink or blink?"
(600 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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