Chapter 6

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Kaly's P.O.V

In second period I sat next to Ashley. I forgot she's the only one who doesn't know now. Oh and Sam, and Clare. I wonder if he would let me call him that. Sam. Any who.... Jacob was still not here. Bell already rang. He already has like 3, no 2, I don't know. I don't keep track and he has other classes so... but my point is, he has too many tardys for the first week of school. Wait why do I care. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ugh. He's so cute and charming. He's my, my Prince Charming. All right. I've got to wake up. I wonder what they put in that fountain water. I wouldn't be surprised if it were strait from the toilet. Taste mitalic. Eww. I'm done drinking that water. Oh and there's Jacob!

"Sorry I'm late again mister."

"Have a seat. And, try not to be late."

Jacob gives a thumbs up and sits down next to me and Ashley.

"Alright! Spill the beans!" I say as soon as he sits down.

"What?" He says laughing.

"What were you and Sky talking about?"


"You think I didn't see you and Sky talking by the bathroom?"

"Err... yeah. Thought you didn't see that."

"You didn't scratch her did you?"

"What?! No! You really think I would do that to her?!"

"Not really. But you looked mad!"

"I-I didn't scratch her!"

"What were you guys talking about?"

"Why do you care?!"


"Because what?!"

"Quiet down back there!" The teacher yells.

Jacobs face is red. He gets up and sits in an empty seat across the room.

What have I done... I facepalm myself.

"Kaly. What's going on?"

"What's going on? I just screwed things up with Jacob. What about the work?"

"I don't know. I was on my phone."

"Hey, Brandon. What page?"



After class we walk to lunch. Well not together. Just me and Ashley walked together. I totally screwed up. Why would I even ask that? I know Jacob. He wouldn't do that. Argh!

We grabbed lunch and sat at a table. Jacob sat at a different table. When Sky walked into the cafeteria, she looked really confused. She looks around. Then came to my table.

"What the hells going on? Why aren't you guys sitting together?"

"I screwed things up Sky!" I cry.

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