Steps Towards a Greater Goal

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Day after day passed. He awoke every day and did the same chores and the same physical labour that the farm required. Every day around mid-day he got to go into the barn and continue his work and each day the suit grew more to his size. His work was tedious. It was complex and some areas were small. So small that he had to build a new tool just to finish it. It certainly was not a piece of art but it was close to being functionable. There were some pieces, however, that he could not build himself. That weighed heavily on his mind. He needed an expensive energy cell to make it so that all the circuitry and synthetic muscles would be of actual use. he would need to go to town and find someone who would buy the expensive cell from a city and then sell it to him. His fathers hunting had been well the past week and he knew that soon they would make a trip into the town to sell the extras.
The day soon came for the trip into the city. His father woke him before the sun rose and told him to get ready. Joseph had jumped up instantly awake and had thrown on his clothes and grabbed the glass jar with his meager savings. He screwed on the lid of the jar with a twitch of his fingers and shoved it into an old beat-up rucksack. He and his father were out the door and on their way to town in no time.
The walk was long and took multiple hours. They moved along multiple roads and saw many horse-drawn carriages. Even a rare automobile, chugging along loudly, pumping out foul smelling chemicals into the air. The whole way there Joseph was stared at and watched. It was almost normal to him. He was massive, towering over everyone at approximately 9 feet.
The sun had made it through a third of its cycle before they finally reached the small wooden town. It was small but busy. The main street was packed with vendors and people. Joseph knew the drill and slid into the crowd with half of the meat they came with to sell.
Selling the meat was pathetically easy for him. All he had to do was say that he had eaten it and it had allowed him to grow so big. Of course it was a lie but he felt that it didn't hurt anyone. His father was still selling his share and Joseph had asked if he could use the money he earned to supplement his savings. His father had simply smiled and nodded his head. He was quiet and simple like that. Seeing the joy in his adopted sons eyes made it worth it to him.
Joseph had done research beforehand and knew a man that made frequent trips to a nearby city and was willing to acquire what Joseph was seeking. He approached the man and was given a warm welcome and a firm handshake.
"What can I do for you today, Joseph?" Sebian asked with his trademark grin plastered from ear to ear.
He wasn't particularly short but Joseph had learned that his height could be intimidating and bring out defensive behavior. Knowing this he made sure to slouch and curl his strong labour hardened shoulders a little more into himself.
"I'm here about the power cell I was talking to you awhile back. do you remember?" Joseph said.
"Why yes I believe I do," he said slowly, his face scrunching up as he recalled the conversation.
"Good news. I can now afford it so if you could get me that for me as soon as possible, it would be great. Also, make sure it works and has a charging unit," Joseph was struggling to conceal some of his excitement.
Sebian waved him off saying that he knows how and what to do. They had then negotiated and haggled for the price. In the end Joseph had a little left over to return to his dad. He was absolutely ecstatic. In possibly a week or two he would be able to don his hard earned armor.
The whole way home he was thinking of the great beasts that he would be able to hunt. He would be able to protect the farm if one of the terrible beasts wandered onto the farm. It had happened once before with a heavily wounded beast. It had walked out into the field when he had been his fathers height and his father had dragged him back to the house with a look that he had never seen on his features before. It was as tall as he is now and walked on two hooved feet. It eyes were the blackest black ever showing no reflections. It's arms ended in a hand with claws instead of fingers. The black bone was sharper than any tool that he had ever seen and he could tell this simply from looking at it. Its teeth were simply sharp points as long as his finger and there were ancient black horns on either side of its head. It, however, was injured. old matted blood covered its body. There were great big chunks had been torn from its sides. It had simply stood there for hours it's only movement being labored breaths. During the night his father had stayed up by the door with his hunting rifle and pistol just in case it decided to attack them. Joseph doubted that it would have made much of a difference. His efforts were not needed as in the morning it was gone and in its place were men in armor like what Joseph had just found in the barn mere days previous. That is what motivated him to start rebuilding the old and long forgotten armor.
The weeks seemed to fly by. His excitement for the completion of his armor failed to wane for even a second. Finally he left for the town, this time by himself. Instead of walking he ran so that he could get there early so that he was sure that he would not miss Sebian. He ate up the miles faster than the carriages. He reached the town well before the pre-arranged time and simply stood up against the building where he would soon receive his precious power pack. Now, time seemed to move slower than the trees grew.
He saw Sebian as he walked down the main street. Joseph watched him walk the whole way to him and greeted him as he normally did.
Sebian laughed at him,"You are not good at hiding your emotions friend! I could tell that you wanted the power cell more than anything from a mile away!"
Joseph chuckled deeply,"You know me too well, Sebian"
"Haha! Well then without further ado!" He slid his well worn pack to the ground and opened it to pull out the thing that Joseph had been wanting for what seemed like forever,"Tadaa!!!"
The power cell seemed like the most beautiful thing in the world to him. In a distant part of his mind he realized that it was close to a piece of junk. The metal parts were rusted over and what should have been humming and glowing with energy was just a dark, dead, blue. Next, Sebian pulled out a small solar device with a plug. Joseph took the device and the charger and placed them within his own bag. He thanked Sebian profusely and payed him the rest of what he had been promised.
Before he had moved from the wall with his new trophy he stopped dead in his tracks. The hair on the back of his neck stood straight up and he snapped his head towards an alley between buildings. There was a flicker of something in the alley but he could not see it any more. He tried to shake off the feeling of being watched but he found that he couldn't.
Once he cleared the town he sprinted as fast as he could the whole distance home. He did not stop for a second. When he got home he proudly showed his parents before place it to charge by his bedroom window.
The shadow smiled as the sun sank below the tree line. The man had nearly caught him spying in the pathetic rabble they called a town He had then successfully lost him when he had taken off at impossible speeds down the road. It had taken some.... creative questioning to find out where the monster man lived. In the end he still found it on the little shanty farm. He slipped back into the trees and pulled out an old and expensive device and said one thing.
"The prize is open for the picking"

Announcement: Sorry for the long wait! I had started the second chapter but then lost it all by accident and got very frustrated but I am back now and I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. As always, constructive criticism is appreciated!

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