New Power??

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Sighing, I stared out the window of my bedroom in the Way house and wrapped my arms around myself to stay warm. Winter was fast approaching and my birthday was in three days. My door squeaked open and my eyes flickered to the door, to find Mikey standing in the frame. He smiled at me and I smiled softly back. Mikey sat on the bed behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Pulling me against his chest, he rested his chin on my head and I sighed.

“What’s wrong, Will?” Mikey asked and I glanced at him.

“I still need to find the Wolf Kings’ weakness,” I mumbled and felt him nod.

“Maybe it’s something really simple.”

Nodding, I pushed myself off of him and stared into his hazel eyes. He stared back and our lips met briefly. Resting my forehead against his, I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair.



“I love you.”

“I love you to.”

A sudden haze washed over me and I glanced around, the room going a rainbow of colour. One of the colours, a mahogany colour, stood out to me. Frowning, I walked over to the wall and touched the colour. My hand tingled in pain and I felt weak. That was it. The colour of weakness. Closing my eyes, I felt the haze vanish and I opened my eyes to see I was sitting in front of Mikey again. Smiling at him, I kissed his cheek and ran down the stairs, with him following.


“Mikey, I know how to find his weakness,” I shouted in happiness and Gerard appeared from the backyard.

“Whose weakness?” he asked.

“The Wolf Kings’,” I smiled.

“How do we find out?” Mikey asked.

“I’m gonna need some help from everyone. Let’s meet at the cliff,” I said and they nodded, whipping out their phones, texting everyone.

“Let’s go,” Gerard said.


I am so sorry for not uploading any more to this so here you go as another part of my apology. I know it's very short but it's a filler as to what might happen next. If you think you know, comment if you want.

Stefie xoxo

Willow Montgomery - My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now