Chapter 1

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Hermione Granger p.o.v.

The last thing I remember is spinning out of control and hitting my head on something hard. I managed to say "Where am I?" before I blacked out.

Ronald Weasley p.o.v.

We were using floo powder to get to Diagon Alley. I got there before she did, so I waited for her at the fireplace. I stood there for about 15 minutes, so I decided to see if she had landed in the wrong fireplace. I looked everywhere, but I still couldn't find her. Suddenly, a sophisticated looking owl flew over. It dropped a letter on my head. It had a fancy looking seal on it, and said it was from St. Mungo's. I immediately get a sinking feeling in my stomach, and my blood runs cold. I open it with shaking hands. It reads:

Ronald Weasley,

We are sorry to tell you that your friend Hermione Granger is staying with us. She landed in the wrong fireplace and hit her head. It cracked open, and she is not suffering memory loss. She seemed to have been poisoned before. We are still investigating. We would like for you to come to see if she remembers you. We have already alerted your family and friends. They will meet you there. Hermione will be in room 4E.

Greatest Regrets,

St. Mungo's Receptionist.

I shivered. I didn't know how to react. I stood there, stock still, for so long that people start staring. When they pointed it out, I realized that I had to get to her.

As soon as I get there, I run to the receptionist. I quickly get permission to see her, and I run as fast as I can. I see her talking with the others, but as soon as I walk in the talking stops. Everyone looks at me with sympathy, and I'm left to wonder why. "How are you feeling, Hermione?" I say. "Who are you?" She says. I'm instantly crushed. The love of my life is gone.  

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