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Finns POV

It's been a week since I kissed millie, and its so awkward between us. We haven't talked in person or even over the phone, and I hate it so much. I hate not being able to see her and hear her laugh or make her smile. I really like her and the fact that things are awkward between us  now because we expressed our feelings to each other is so upsetting.

I guess it's so awkward between us because we never had these kind of feelings towards each other when we were younger, but now that we're older it's just so different. We both admitted that we like each other but things between us aren't like Noah and Sadie. They are comfortable dating each other and always being together and doing things that people do when they are in a serious relationship.

I miss millie and i's friendship. I miss hanging out all the time and all we do is text now. All I want to do is start over, I want to see her but I don't know how to approach her. And it's going to be so awkward the next time we see each other and i'm not sure what to do


Millie's POV

I haven't heard from Finn in so long, we never talk anymore, never hangout anymore, nothing. And it isn't just our friendship that is drifting apart, we are drifting apart from each other. All I do is hangout with Sadie after school and he hangs out with the boys. Everything has been different ever since the day Finn admitted he had feelings for me as well. But I'm starting to feel that he doesn't anymore and I don't know either, I just want us to be okay again.

When he kissed me I wasn't expecting it at all. I mean he had just broke up with the girl he loved. Even though he found out she cheated on him I know he was still hurt and I didn't think he would move on so fast from her.

He's pretty sensitive, I mean he's had a bad life in the past but he's gotten stronger. I just wish he would come to see me or at least we could meet up somewhere without it being awkward. I hate how our friendship feels like it just disappeared just because I had to express my feelings to him. It's all my fault finn and I aren't talking anymore and if I didn't say anything to him we would probably be hanging out right now, as friends.


"Millie get up, you overslept!" my mom yelled from my bedroom door. I squinted my eyes from the bright sun peering through the window. I got up from bed, walking into the bathroom and getting in the shower feeling the cold water on my back. I got out after a few minutes, wrapping a towel around myself. I dried off, and changing into something more warm since it was chilly outside. I quickly changed into sweatpants and a hoodie rushing downstairs to see my mom making breakfast.

"Millie you look like shit" she says

"Thanks" and honestly I probably did but I really don't give a fuck right now

"You know you have been acting weird lately and have been in your room a lot, are you ok?"

"Why would you say that? I'm perfectly fine" i say. Was it really that obvious that I was upset about this whole thing with finn?

I got on my shoes and ran out the door not even caring about breakfast I had no time. I really am dreading today, of course first period I have spanish with finn and I really don't want to go.

I sighed laying my head up against my car seat when pulling up to school. I could just skip today right? I shook my head looking at my phone quickly to see the time

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