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Who remembers this little purple mind controlling dinosaur?
Me, well we all should know who this guy is, Barney
Guys I'm sorry if u r offended by this and I'm not sure why I did this chapter

I hate him soooo much! He is so creepy I hate his voice (it's actually sorta funny) he lowers kids into his treehouse and he controls kids minds for instant when I heard a theory of Barney controlling kids minds, I think it's true as I tested it on my 2 year old sister, basically, I yelled Victoria!!! The. She came then I put the theme song on and she giggled all the way through it, she was crying before I turned it on and when it ended she wants it aagain, and the theory says that they will stop crying and stop doing what ever they were doing. I just wanted to share a few songs I've heard heheh to show how much I despise him kk
If u don't like strong language skip

Deck the halls with heads of barneys
Serves him right for being crummy
Now let's sing this song again
This song shall never end

I hate u,
U hate me,
Let's go tie Barney to a tree
I'll grab the matches and the gasoline
Light him up and watch him scream

Barney theme song

Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination
He stuck a pencil up his arse and died of constipation

Barney is a dinosaur
From our imagination
He put himself in a microwave and died of radiation

Barney was a dinosaur
Who like to play with matches
Once he had an accident
And burned himself to ashes

Jingle bells

Dashing through the snow
On a pair of broken skis
Downhill Barney goes
Crashing into trees
The snow is turning red
We think he's almost dead
Now let's go get a frying pan and hit him on the head!

Kk that's all I remember cya

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