Thirty-six weeks along

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It had been several weeks since the death of Special Ops Team Levi. As the days went on he got a bit better at putting back his obvious anger and guilt. Some days Levi fell back into the depressive state and I let him. After losing as much as he did the man had every right to be angry for a while. Besides he always snaps out of it in the end. Steeling his resolve the man redoubled his efforts to eliminate the Titans and I couldn’t be more proud of him. Of course with our baby coming soon he’d become even more protective and focused on keeping me safe.

“Ugh… Levi I’m sooooo fat!” I complain to my husband as I lay there propped up on the couch. He had placed me on the couch earlier with the strict orders that I was to tell him if I needed anything. I didn’t want him to coddle me like a child but when I’m nine months pregnant with one there’s not much complaining I can do.

Levi looks over his book at me amused, “Asoka, you’re pregnant, not fat. I’m pretty sure that once our brat makes their appearance you’ll go back to being slim.”

I pout at him, “Shut up, you don’t know that!” I growl.

“Asoka, with our lives it’s not possible for you to get fat.”

“Hn, so you say!” I shoot back. “Uhm… can you bring me something to eat?”

Levi rolls his eyes before he stands up muttering something about mood swings, “What do you want?”

“Uhm… what do we have?” I ask.

“Bread, sweets, a small thing of meat, vegetables, and… water.”

“Uh… can you take the sweets and put them on the bread with some of the vegetables?”

“Tch, that’s disgusting.” He sighs before doing what I asked.

I smile at my husband, he’s so good to me, “I love you.” I remark.

Levi brings over my sandwich concoction with a scrunched up face, “As I do you.” He replies before sitting down in his chair again.

I quickly polish off my sandwich and pretty much as soon as I finished it, the baby decided to have me chuck it back up. “Oh god!” I yell struggling to quickly waddle to the bathroom. Falling over the toilet I brace my arms on either side of the seat and there it goes! My body is locked in place, I was lucky that Levi decided to show up and brace my stomach while pulling my hair back. Eventually my body calms down and I groan before leaning back against my husband.

“That was disgusting…” He says after a bit, his hand now rubbing my stomach.

I glare at him, “Okay then, next time you and I can switch places and you can carry the kid and puke up everything you eat!” I hiss. He clicks his tongue at me.

“Stop being so moody, before long our child will be here and then you’ll be better.”

I allow Levi to help me up, “I hope you’re right.”

                We go back into the living room and as Levi sit in his chair I climb onto his lap, “I don’t wanna sit alone.” I murmur against him. Levi says nothing as he wraps his arms around me with his book in one hand. Time passes by as I listen to his rhythmic heartbeat. “Levi, can you read to me?” I ask quietly.

“Tch, why?”

“Please?” My voice sounds very small and fragile. I was feeling really worn out.

                Levi sighs before he begins to slowly read his book aloud. Of course it’s a boring book about the history of something but I didn’t care. To be honest I just wanted to listen to his voice. He always has a way of putting me at ease just by hearing his voice. Perhaps it was the calm near monotone of his voice that relaxes me. I don’t actually know.

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