Chapter 1

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Joy's POV

As I cut the small ribbon tied in front of my new bakery, faint cheers and whoops entered my ears.

Iris hugged me, a well-known friend of Anne that quickly became my friend as well. She's holding her phone with the screen facing me, showing Anne and Johanna's smiling faces as they congratulated me with my new business.

It's not easy making a fresh start. Choosing to leave my old life behind and start a new one is harder than it looks. San Francisco is the best place for that. Ever since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was to live here and start my own life here, and now I'm living that dream.

Anne and Johanna chose not to come with me, and I understand that. They have their own life and so do I. We still keep in touch, after all the mess that happened between us three? I don't think we'll ever forget each other. Dylan also stayed behind, saying that he also have a life and not to mention a school to go to.

"So when will you start serving customers?" Anne asked me.

I checked the time on Iris' phone. "In about an hour or so, still have some time to slack off or something."

"Slack off?" Iris asked me, "Do you see these people? These hungry people waiting to be served delicious food specially cooked by me?" I rolled my eyes as I slapped her lightly on her arm.

"Excuse me but it's my recipe and you're just one of my bakers."

"And yet I'm the one who cooked those fresh pastries in there."

I just rolled my eyes again and continued talking to Anne and Johanna.

Iris was originally Anne's friend. They met way back when they were still kids and got separated 3 years later. It was a shock when I first met Iris here in San Francisco, since she and Anne haven't met again. It was total chaos when I uploaded a throwback picture of Iris and Anne recognized her.

I said my goodbyes to Anne and Johanna and entered my bakery. It's what I really imagined what my bakery would look. I smiled and went behind the register, getting my apron and tied it on my waist.

I'm ready for this.


The bakery opens at 9 AM and closes at 10 PM, so you can say me and Iris are both tired to the deepest part of our bones. I walked towards the door and flipped the Open sign to Closed.

"Who knew serving people could be so hectic?" Iris said as she slumped on a table and she took off her hairnet.

"It wasn't so bad, their smiles and satisfied faces are worth it."

"Easy for you to say!" She exclaimed, "I get to so serve 3 cranky elderly people and 4 snobby kids!" I laughed at her.

"That's the price we have to pay, I guess." We were interrupted when there was a knock on the door.

It was Clark, a close friend of ours. He is originally a friend of Iris, so yeah I'm a nobody here at first but hey it's a fresh start for me!

"Is there any food left or am I too late?" He asked.

"Sorry my friend but you're too late." Iris said as she hang her apron on the hook. "And I'm going home because I feel like my whole body is gonna collapse from exhaustion in any minute now so good night people and see you both tomorrow." She wore her jacket and went out the bakery.

"What got her in such a mood?"

"First day crisis, you can't really blame her because I'm exhausted as well." I took the keys from under the counter and hang my apron next to Iris'.

"Alrighty then, ready to go?" I nodded.

"Just give me a sec to lock everything up." He nodded and he went outside.

I turned off all the lights and made sure that the ovens are also turned off, all the tables and chairs are in order and no mess is present.

I walked out and locked the door, giving it a little push to make sure it's really locked.

Me and Clark started walking, since our houses are not that far from here.

"So how is it going with that guy?" He asked me.

"Ugh, nothing is going on Clark. You set up this blind date and you know I don't like it." He laughed at my distress.

"You didn't even went to the date, Joy! Sheesh calm yourself would you?"

Yes, Clark knows everything about him. Ever since he knew, he started fixing these blind dates for me so that, I quote, "I forget the asshole's looks and everything he did."

"How about you?" I asked with a smirk.

Clark coughed a bit, "W-What about me?"

"You know!" I looked at him, "About that guy--"

"Okay okay! Just, don't say his name out loud, okay? You know how I feel about that." Now it's my turn to laugh at his distress.

Clark is bisexual. Not openly, but he told his close friends including me and Iris. He's been pining on this guy that's been his crush ever since in grade 10. Talk about hoping, huh?

"Why not you get over him, Clark?" He sighed.

"You know the reason and you know I already tried multiple times."

We reached my house and I stopped, looking at him. "If it's meant to be, it will be. If after all the pain and heartbreak, it's still him? Then all roads will lead back to him." I smiled as Clark hugged me.

"Good night." He said.

"Nighty." I said as I watched him walk away and I entered my home.


And. Book. 3. Is. In. Session.

So is the first chapter sucky or what?

You get to take a look on Joy's life now and her new friends! How do you guys like Iris and Clark so far, hmm?




Thanks and I love you all!

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